GPS de nos bivouacs quotidiens
de mai 2009 à août 2012
édition bilingue français/anglais

Pologne - Lithuanie - Lettonie - Estonie - Russie -Mongolie -les STAN (Kazakstan,Ousbékistan,Tadjikistan,Kyrghistan-Turkménistan)- Iran - Pakistan - Inde - Népal - Bangladesh-Malaisie - Thaïlande - Laos - Cambodge - Indonésie - Timor Oriental/Leste - Australie (classement par régions).
Bivouac libre entre – chemin de côté, petit monticule avec borne de navigation – wild camp between - Trzebnica & Olenica, Rd 340 - small side road with a little mound with a navigation marker N: 51°18.498’ E: 017°06.868’
Pilawa Gorma: Bivouac libre, - Rte 142 près de Pilawa-Gorma, dans un champ de canola, à 1.5 km de la route principale – wild camp - Rd 142, near -Pilawa Gorma, in a canola field, 1.5 km from the main road N: 50°39.485’ E: 016°44.288’
Auschwitz –Dans le parking gardé $$$ - in a guarded parking – resto, Wifi, toilet. N: 50°01.61’ E: 019°52.793’
Zarzecze: Bivouac libre, au pont de la Rivière San, juste avant Zarzecze, Route 19. – wild camp at the bridge of the River San, just before Zarzecze, route 19 N: 50°31.185’ E: 022°11.205’
Wlodawa: Bivouac libre, lac sans nom à 2 km de la Route 812, 5-6 km de Wlodawa Note: Il y a un vrai terrain de camping tout au plus 500m après l’intersection - wild camp by an unknown lake, 2 km from the road 812, 5-6 km from Wlodawa – Note: there is a real camping 500 m after the intersection. N: 51°30.025’ E: 023°32.533’
Augustow – bivouac libre, 2km au nord de Augustow, sur route 8, direction Lithuania, chemin à droite au panneau Nadlesnictwo – passer voie ferrée puis à droite (2km) vers le camping NR24 sur le bord du lac – joli, sans aucune installation. Wild Camp, 2km North of Augustow, on rd 8, direction Lithuania – At the Nadlesnictwo sign, take the side rd to the right, go over the railroad tracks go to the right towards the camping NR24 on the side of the lake – beautiful but no facilities. N: 53°52.041’ E: 023°01.756’
Trakai – Camping Slenyje ($$$), propre et tout équipé, clean & well equipped, 20 km de –from- Vilnius N: 54°40.04 E: 024°55.748’
Upyna, direction Neringa – bivouac libre dans un champ, à 1 km au sud de la A1 – wild camp in a field, 1km South of A1 Rd. N:55°29.833’ E: 022°26.358’
Preila – sur la pointe de Neringa – bivouac libre dans un parking gratuit, près de la mer – wild camp in a parking near the ocean, on the Point of Neringa N: 55°22.615 E: 021°01.993’
LETTONIE 05/2009
Uhuale, Route 111, km 45, environ 50 km de Ventspills, Bivouac libre au bord de la falaise face à la mer dans un champ qui sert de camping en haute saison. - Wild camp close to the cliff in front of the ocean, in a field which is used as a camping in summer, on Rd 111, Km 45, around 50 km fromVentspills. N: 56°56.482’ E: 021°16.635’
Bivouac libre, direction Riga venant de Kalka, prendre petit chemin qui mène à la mer en face de la route qui va à Dundaga, , 4x4 préférable parce que sable mou. -
Wild camp, direction Riga coming from Kalka – take a small side rd which goes to the ocean right in front of the Rd which goes to Dundaga – a 4x4 might be a good idea because soft sand. N: 57°37.516’ E: 022°35.771’
Riga. Kipsalas Kempings ($$$)– piscine, dch ch, toilet, eau électric, laundry, snack (NB-Le Riga City Camping est 400m plus loin sur le même chemin). (pool, h. show, toilet, electric, laundry, snack) = the Riga City Camping is 400m passed this camping on the same road. N: 56°57.113’ E: 024°05.105’
Parnu. Konse Camping ($$$) – tous les services + wifi. – with all the services + wifi. N: 58°23.108’ E: 024°31.630’
ESTONIE 05/2009
Tallin. Pirata Harbour camping – $$$ - (Yatch club) – eau, élec, dche ch , wifi+resto à l’hôtel. Le Tallin City camping n’est pas secure de meme que le Camping Kalivi, plus loin - Yatch Club – water, electric,, wifi & resto at the hotel nearby. The Tallin City Camping was not secure at that time; so was the Kalvi Camping a little bit further. N: 59°27.843’ E: 024°49.692
Saka Mois. Saka Cliff hotel + Spa. ($$$) – eau, élec, toilet, dch ch, resto, wifi, spa. – water, electric, toilet,, resto, wifi, spa N: 59°26.333’ E: 027°11.500’
RUSSIE 06/2009
St-Petersbourg. Parking gardé ($$$), 58 Kosmonovtov, sans service, à 5 min. du Métro Zvyozdnaya (ligne 2 qui mène au centre historique) et tout près de la route M-20. Guarded parking, 58 Kosmonovtov, no service, at 5 min from the metro Zvyozdnaya (line 2 which goes to the Historical Center) and near Rd M-20 N: 59°50.466’ E: 030°21.331’
Sominho, route A114,, station d’essence Tixvin Petrol, Sécure, sans service, ($$$) - Rd A114, Service Station – safe but no facilities. N: 59°20.338’ E: 034°51.744
Jaroslav. Parking gardé ($$$) – très moyen, mais secure, au sud du pont de la Volga en venant du Nord, à 10 min en CC du centre historique (possibilité de prendre le tram) - Guarded parking, not the best place, but secure, South of the bridge over the Volga coming from the North, 10 minin CC from the Historical Center (Tram possible). N: 57°40.559 E: 039°48.968
Rostov. Bivouac libre, à 100 m du mur est du Monastère St-Jacob, à 40 m de la pompe à eau, terrain privé (maison en briques rouge) après avoir demandé la permission. - Wild camp 100m from the East wall of the St Jacob monastery, 40m from the water pump, on a private property after asking permission. N: 57°10.488’ E: 039°23.685’
Ozereki (Orohevo Zuevo) Parking gardé ($$$) propre – à la jonction de la route qui mène vers Moscou ou vers l,Est. - Clean guarded parking, at the junction of the Rd that goes towards Moscow (or towards the East). N: 55°51.529 E: 038°52.989’
Suzdal, parking gardé ($$$), juste à côté du Monastère de St-Euphenius – très propre. Plusieurs endroits se prètent au bivouac libre tout autour du site. - Very clean guarded parking, right in front of the St Euphenius monastery. Many possibilities for wild camping not far from the Monastery. Just look around. N: 56°25.916’ E: 040°26.734’
Kolcovo – Bivouac libre sur Rivière Klajazma juste avant Kolcovo, direction Est, - Prendre la première entrée à droite après le pont de la Rivière Klajazma, puis la seconde entrée à droite – aller au bout - Wild camp on Klajazma River just before Kolcovo, direction East - take the first right small Rd after the bridge of the Klajazma River, then the second entrance on the right and drive up to the end. N: 56°13.275’ E: 042°47.072’
Zenelodol’sk – bivouac libre juste au panneau annonçant la region “vexrnentlouri”? - Tout petit rond point - wild camp just before the sign indicating the “vexrnentlouri” region – a very small roundabout. N: 55°43.328’ E: 048°37.290’
Acahobck – Alnasi, sur la M7, au km 46, direction Izvesk – bivouac libre au petit lac, 1 km avant le village de Acahobck - Wild camp by a small lake at Alnasi, on Rd M7, km 46, 1km before the village of Acahobck, direction Izvesk. N: 56°08.510’ E: 052°29.417’
Perm – Truck stop – parking gardé, à 15 km de Perm venant de kazan – dche, toilet, resto – pas extraordinaire… Truck stop, guarded parking, 15 km from Perm coming from Kazan – shower, toilet, resto – nothing extraordinary. N: 58°02.603’ E: 055°52.663’
Jekaterinburg – Europe/Asie Landmark – Monument Obélisque à + ou – 45km de Jekaterinbg venant de Perm, tourner au point suivant (N: 56°50.945’ E: 060°03.722’) pour trouver l’Obélisque – bivouac libre juste à côté de l’obélisque - wild camp at the Europa/Asia Monument, + or – 45 km from Jekaterinburg coming from Perm. – turn at the following GPS point to find the Monument ((N: 56°50.945’ E: 060°03.722’). N: 56°52.199’ E: 060°02.984’
Jekaterinburg – Bivouac libre sur parking gratuit de l’Église du Sang (Romanov). - Wild camp on the free parking of the Church (Romanov – blood). N: 56°50.711’ E: 060°36.454’
Zavodoukovsk – bivouac libre au cimetière du petit village qui suit Zavodoukovsk (juste après un pont). - wild camp at the cemetery of the small village which is right after Zavodoukovsk (right after a bridge). N: 56°30.978’ E: 066°38.342’
Omsk – bivouac libre à + ou – 60 km avant Omsk venant de Tjumen. Petit chemin de l’autre côté d’un grand étang (trop de monde à l’étang). - Wild camp + or – 60km before Omsk coming from Tjumen. Small Rd on the other sid eof grand pond – to much people at the pond). N: 55°14.178’ E: 072°52.424’
Novosibirsk – Bivouac libre, à 100m de la M51, à 90km de Novo…venant de Omsk, vers le village de Tixomepovo (entre route et voie ferrée). Wild camp, at 100 m of the M 51, 90 km from Novo, coming fromOmsk, towards the village of Tixomepovo (between the Rd and the railroad. N: 55°05.608’ E: 081°25.648’
Tomsk – bivouac libre au km 30 -31 de Tomsk, direction Mariinsk – petit chemin à gch de la route 1P400. - Wild camp Km 30 or 31 out of Tomsk, direction Marjinsk – small left Rd off Rd 1P400. N: 56°37.250’ E: 085°29.662’
Krasnojarsk – bivouac libre sur la Rt-1P400, environ 40 km après Krasnojarsk, au km 898-899,- petit chemin à gch juste à la tour de communication. - wild camp on Rd 1P400, around 40Km after Krasnojarsk, at Km 898-899 – small Rd to the left, at the communication tower. N: 55°53.528’ E: 093°51.292’
Rivière Kawenka – bivouac libre au pont de la rivière, Rt M53, Km 1356 direction Irkoust. Wild camp at the bridge of the river, Rd M 53, Km 1356 direction Irkoust. N: 54°57.122’ E: 098°51.514’
Irkoust – bibouac libre sur parking non-gardé juste à côté d’un parking gardé avec mirador, en face du Rasian bulding. - Wild camp on a non-guarded parking, right beside a guarded parking with mirador, in front of the Rasian Building. N: 52°21.237’ E: 104°09.596’
Slyudyanka (Lac Baikal) – bivouac libre sur le bord du lac Baikal – Prendre la rue face à la gare, à côté de l’Église, descendre au lac, tourner à droite et aller jusqu’au bout du chemin. - Wild camp on the shore of Lake Baikal – take the street in front of the railway stn. beside the Church, go to the lake, turn right at the end and go to the end of the street. N: 51°39.244’ E: 103°44.051’
Il Inka, 80 km avant Ulan Ude venant de Irkoust, km 375 sur la M55 – bivouac libre juste avant le village de Il Inka dans un boisé à gauche du chemin. - wild camp right before the village of Il Inka in a small bush to the left of the Rd, 80 km before Ulan Udee coming from Irkoust, Km 375 on Rd M 55. N: 52°04.983’ E: 107°00.375’
Ulan Ude – bivouac libre à 150m du musée ethnographique. - wild camp, 150 m from the ethnographic museum. N: 51°53.091’ E: 107°38.904’
Kyachta – bivouac libre à 0.7km de la frontière près d’une grosse citerne rouillée. - Wild camp at 0.7km from the border, close to a big rusted cistern. N: 50°20.048’ E: 106°28.620
Ongudaj – bivouac libre sur la M-52, mi chemin entre Ongudaj et Inja, tout près d’un gros ruisseau. - Wild camp on M-52, half way between Ongudaj et Inja close to a big stream. N: 50°36.964’ E: 086°27.927’
Biysk – bivouac libre, km 580-582, sur le bord de la Riv. Kathun, 15 – 20 km de Biysk. - wild camp, Km 580-582 on the side of the Riv. Kathun, 15-20 km from Biysk.
Barnaul – bivouac libre, + ou – 60 km de Barnaul venant de Biysk, en plein champ. - wild camp +or- 60 km from Barnaul, coming from Biysk, in the middle of a field. N: 51°19.145’ E: 085°40.415’
Alejsk – bivouac libre, dans un champ 20 km avant Alejsk venant de Barnaul, direction Pobedim - wild camp in a field, 20 km before Aleisk, coming from Barnaul, direction Pobedim. N: 52°38.653’ E: 083°00.782’
Rubtsovsk – bivouac libre dans un boisé de bouleaux, 20 km Est de Rubtvosk. - wild camp in a bush of birch, 20 km East of Rubtvosk. N: 51°27.579’ E: 081°27.648’

MONGOLIA 07/2009
Orkhon – bivouac libre au pont de la rivière, près de Nart. Km72/108, - il y a une enseigne bleue indiquant le monastère. - wild camp at the bridge over the river near Nart, Km 72/108; there is a blue sign indicating the monastery. N: 49°07.824’ E: 105°20.624’
Monastère Amarbayasgalant – bivouac libre à 4km de la jonction de la route qui mène au monastère sur la route de Erdenet, à 300m dans le champ sur une colline. - wild camp at 4 km from the junction of the Rd that goes to Erdenet, at 300 m in the field on the hill. N: 49°11.913’ E: 105°02.473’
UlanBaatar – Oasis café and Guest House, tout près du black market – dch ch, toilet, eau, jardin, resto, propre, ($$$) . - Oasis café and Guest House ,Close to the black market: water, h. show, toilet, resto, garden, clean. N: 47°54.706 E: 106°58.857’
Mandalgovi, bivouac libre sur le sommet de la colline, à 500m de la piste. - wild camp on the summit of a hill, at 500 m from the track. N: 46°43.161’ E: 106°31.545’
Mandalgovi – bivouac libre sur une petite colline sur la piste entre Baga Gazryn Chuluu et Mandalgovi, 22 km avant Mandalgovi, à 300m de la piste. - wild camp on a small hill top on the road between Gazryn Chuluu and Mandalgovi, 22 km before Mandalgovi, at 300 m from the track. N: 45°56.065’ E: 106°06.064’
Galangdagzad – 100 km avant, bivouac libre sur la piste. - wild camp, 100 km before Galangdagzad. N: 44°34.860’ E: 105°20.520’
Parc national Kurvan Saihan – bivouac libre à 10 km de l’entrée du parc, n’importe où, en plein champ, tout près de la montagne. - wild camp at 10 km of the park entrance, anywhere in the field, close to the mountain. N: ??? E: ???
Bayandalai – bivouac libre sur la piste vers Khongoryn Els, 37 kw à l’ouest de Bayandalai, juste avant les dunes. - wild camp on the track towards khongoryn Els, 37 km West of Bayandalai, just before the beginning of the dunes. N: 43°35.180’ E: 103°04.979’
Bogd – bivouac libre sur la piste à 33km au sud de Bogd venant de Khongoryn Els (GPS a must…). - wild camp on the track, 33 km South of Bogd, coming from Khongoryn Els. N: 44°27.041’ E: 102°25.342’
Arveykheer – bivouac libre sur la piste, 20 km au sud de Arveykheer. - wild camp on the track, 20 Km South of Arveykheer. N: 46°04.137’ E: 102°42.870’
Shank – bivouac libre au Shank Monastery, sur le sommet de la colline à côté du monastère. Wild camp on top of the hill beside the Skank Monastery. N: 47°02.733’ E: 102°56.917’
Tsetserleg – bivouac libre juste à la sortie du village, direction Tariat. - wild camp, right at the exit of the village, direction tariat. N: 47°32.589’ E: 101°22.685
Parc National Terkhiin-Tsagaan Nuur – bivouac libre sur le bord du lac, environ 10 km de la porte d’entreée – 4x4 recommandé pq piste escarpée avant le lac. - wild camp right by the lake, around 10 km from the entrance – a 4x4 recommended because steep track before the lake. N: 48°10.285 ‘ E: 099°44.009’
Otgon – bivouac libre, 90 km N de Otgon, sur la piste Tsahir-Otgon, près de la rivière – piste difficile. - wild camp, 90 km North of Orgon, on the track Tsahir-Otgon, near the River – rough track. N: 47°53.138’ E098°26.846’
Dorgon – bivouac libre, 38 km de Dorgon, sur la piste Tsahir-Otgon-Dorgon, face au Mont Otgon - wild camp 38 km from Dorgon, on the track Tsahir-Otgon-Dorgon, in front of the sacred Mount Otgon. N: 47°33.080’ E: 097°47.891’
Uliastay – bivouac libre dans un champ au fond d’une vallée, 5-6km de Uliastay, direction Altai. - wild camp in a field at the bottom of a valley, 5-6 km from Uliastay, direction Altai. N: 47°41.093’ E: 096°50.664’
Piste Aldarhaam-Dorgon – bivouac libre + ou – 140 km de Dorgon. - wild camp, +or- 140 km fron Dorgon. N: 48°09.542’ E: 094°25.589’
Hovd – bivouac libre, 20 km N de Hovd, 400m à droite de la piste près du gros rocher - wild camp, 20 km North of Hovd, 400 m at the right of the track near a boulder. N: 48°07.944’ E: 091°31.622’
Olgiy – bivouac libre en face du Blue Wolf resto & ger Camp. - wild camp in front of the Blue Wolf resto & ger camp. N: 48°57.843’ E: 089°57.951’
Tsengel- bivouac libre sur le bord de la Riv. Hovd Gol, 15-20 km sud de Tsengel. - wild camp on the side of the Hovd Gol Rv, 15-20 km South of Tsengel. N: 48°52.153’ E: 089°00.900’
Thaavan Bogd Nat. Parc – bivouac libre sur une petite colline près du lac Khoton Nuur, à 4 km à Ouest de Sirgal - possibilités de plusieurs endroits juste de l’autre côté de la baie. –Wild camp on a small hill near Lake Khoton Nuur, 4 km West of Sirgal; possibilities of many other camping spots on the other side of the bay. N: 48°37.459’ E: 088°24.481’
Khovd river – bivouac libre, 2.5 km au N du pont sur le bord de la rivière. - wild camp, 2.5 km North of the bridge on the shore of the river. N: 48°43.094’ E: 088°48.673’

Ust Kemenoroz – bivouac libre dans un champ, à 1.2 km de la A-3; chemin près de l’arrêt bus. Wild camp in a field, at 1.2 km from Rd A-3 – take the small Rd near the bus stop. N: 49°48 436’ E: 082°18.794’
Rivière Shinzhily – bivouac libre km, 1.5km de la route – Wild camp, 1.5 km from the Rd. N: 45°52.876’ E: 080°34.025’
Tangalay Tas – Pétroglyphes des 6 boudhas – bivouac libre bord de la rivière Ile, 6.4km de la route principale. - Petroglyphs of the 6 Boudhas = wild camp on the side of the River Ile, 6.4 km off the main road N: 44°05.217’ E: 076°59.636’ Les Boudhas sont au: The Budhas are at: N: 44°03.850’ E: 076°59.760’
Samsy (juste avant Targan) – bivouac libre à la carrière au bout du chemin qui débute à côté des yourtes, Rte M33. - wild camp at the quarry at the end of the road which is right beside the yourtes, on Rd M-33. N: 43°19.314’ E: 076°03.617’
Aspara – Bivouac libre au village KM-324/1163 - (Arrêt interdit sur cette route). - wild camp in the village, Km 324/1163 (stops are forbidden on this road). N: 43°02.993’ E: 073°33.597’
Turar Rysqulov – bivouac libre près de la petite rivière = passer le pont, tourner à gche. - wild camp near the small river – go over the bridge, turn right. N: 42°31.625’ E: 070°22.475’
Turkistan – Sortie Ischikey au sud de Turkistan – faire 1.1km, petit plat à gche près du canal d’irrigation et d’un champ de cotton – Bivouac libre - wild camp at the exit of Ischikey South of Turkistan – go for 1.1 km, small flat place to the left, near the irrigation water chanel and a cotton field. - Le point GPS de sortie de la route est: the exit GPS poit is: N: 42°28.188’ E: 069°23.464’
Réserve Biosphère Aksu-Zhabagly – Bivouac libre - 4x4 nécessaire pour monter le dernier km de chemin pour arriver ds un champ. - wild camp, 4x4 a must to climb the last portion of the track to arrive into the field. N: 42°25.097’ E: 070°32.003’
Korday, 4-5km à l’Est de Korday, au fond du champ (800m de la route), près du canal d’irrigation (super tranquille). - wild camp, 4-5 km East of Korday,at the end of a field (800 m from the road), near an irrigation canal (extremely quiet). N: 43°06.166’ E: 074°41.862’
Almaty: bivouac libre près de l’ambassade de l’Inde, à côté du resto Galianas. - wild camping in the street near the India embassy, beside the Galianas resto. N: 43°15.351’ E: 076°55.725’
Charyn Canyon: Bivouac libre – route principale après le col, juste avant le pont, petit chemin qui mène à un plateau surplombant le canyon – très joli et tranquille. - wild camp, main road after the pass, juste before the bridge – small road which leads on a plateau overlooking the canuyon – beautiful and quiet. N: 43°16.463’ E: 078°58.527’

Altyn Arashan – bivouac libre sur le bord de la rivière Arashan, à 3 km de la jonction de la route – 4x4 nécessaire - wild camp by the Arashan River, 3 km from the junction with the road – 4x4 amust. N: 42°27.217’ E: 078°31.914’
Jeti Oguz: Bivouac libre sur le bord de la rivière Jeti Oguz, 7.7 km avant le sanatorium et la fin de la route. Wild camp on the side of the R. Jeti Oguz, 7.7 km before the sanatorium and the end of the road. N: 42°23.410’ E: 078°13.242’
Ak Terrek. - Bivouac libre sur le bord du lac Issyk Kul, à 300m de la route (chemin juste devant la pompe bleue). - wild camp on the shore of Lake issyk Kul, 300 m from the road – take the road right in front of the blue service station. N: 42°13.465’ E: 077°42.503’
Kockor – bivouac libre sur route de contournement, tout près du canal d’irrigation. - wild camp on the ring road, near the water irrigation canal. N: 42°11.356’ E: 075°44.626’
Naryn – bivouac libre, sortie Ouest de Naryn vers Ak-Tal, sur le bord de la rivière Naryn. - wild camp, West exit of Naryn towards Ak-Tal, on the side of the River Naryn. N: 41°25.978’ E: 075°52.638’
Sung Kol lake – bivouac libre, Est du lac, en bas du col venant de Kockor, sur colline, 200m de la rte. - wild camp, East of the lake, at the bottom of the pass coming from Kockor, on a hill, 200 m from the track. N: 41°52.015’ E: 075°21.235’
Sung Kol lake – bivouac libre, Ouest du lac, dans le champ juste dépassé la jonction des 2 pistes, direction Ak-Tal. - wild camp, West of the lake, in a field just passed the junction of the two tracks, direction Ak-Tal. N: 41°44.779’ E: 075°05.809’
Kazerman – bivouac libre 500m après le sommet du col, petit espace plat dans la courbe. - wild camp, 500 m after the summit on a small flat space in the curve. N: 41°31.486’ E: 074°42.379’
Jalal Abad – bivouac libre dans la descente du fabuleux col Kaldama qui mène à Jalal Abad. - wild camp on the track going down of the great Kaldama pass which goes to Jalal Abad. N: 41°16.109’ E: 073°37.633’
Ozgon – bivouac libre, 20km de Ozgon, juste avant de sortir de Kursab, direction Och. - wild camp, 20 km from Ozgon, just before going out of Kursab, direction Och. N: 40°37.583’ E: 073°07.680’
Och – bivouac libre, sur la route de Sary Tasch, à 2-3km de la rte principale, à Drt au bout du chemin, en haut de la colline. - wild camp on Sary Tasch Rd, 2-3 km off the main Rd, turn right at the end of the Rd, on top of the hill.. N: 40°31.761’ E: 072°53.888’
Sary tasch – bivouac libre entre Murdas et Zergetal, petit chemin vers Terek, sur le bord de la rivière. - wild camp between Murdas & Zergetal – small Rd towards Terek, on the side of the Riv. N: 40°08.198’ E: 073°32.148’
Sary Tasch – bivouac libre,15km au sud de Sary Tasch, direction Tadjikistan, en plein champ. - wild camp, 1.5 km South of Sarry Tasch, direction Tajikistan, in the middle of a field.. N: 39°35.167’ E: 073°15.206’

Karakool village – bivouac libre 5km au sud du village, direction Mourgab, sur le bord du lac. - wild camp, 5 km South of the Village, direction Mourgab, on the shore of the lake. N: 38°58.478’ E: 073°32.162’
Moskol – bivouac libre, 19km à l’ouest, direction Jalang – Kok Jar. - wild camp, 19 km West, direction Jalang – Kok Jar. N: 34°47.589’ E: 073°20.923’
Mourgab – bivouac libre, 3km N.E., direction Qolma Pass (Chine), près de la rivière. - wild camp, 3km N.E., direction Qolma Pass (China), near the river. N: 38°10.678’ E: 074°00.826’
Ak-Balyk – bivouac libre juste sur le bord de la source sacrée (poissons au resto). - wild camp right beside the sacred well (fish in the resto).. N: 37°47.613’ E: 073°23.508’
Langar – bivouac libre, 40km Est de Langar, sur le bord de la rivière Pamir. - wild camp, 40 km East of Langar, on the side of the Pamir River. N: 37°14.597’ E: 072°53.372’
Vrang – bivouac libre au sud du village, en face d’un village Afgan. - wild camp, South of the village, in front of an Afghan village. N: 37°00.547’ E: 072°34.141’
Bibi Fatima – bivouac libre dans le stationnement des sources chaudes de Bibi Fatima – wild camp in the parking of Bibi Fatima Hot Springs. N: ?? E: ??
Garam Chasma – bivouac libre sur la route de Garam Shasma, près de la rivière. - wild camp on the Garam Shasma Rd, near the river. N: 37°13.006 E: 071°30.643”
Jelandy – bivouac libre, 12km Est de Jelandy, sur le bord de la Gunt river, près du pont. - wild camp, 12 km East of Jelandy on the shore of the Gunt River, near the bridge. N: 37°31.433’ E: 072°40419’
Korug – bivouac libre, 13 km Nord de Korug, sur le bord de la rivière Gunt. - wild camp, 13 km North of Korug, on the shore of the Gunt River. N: 37°35.950 E: 071°30.544’
Kalikhum – bivouac libre à 57 km de Kalikhum dans un cimetière, près de la rivière Gunt. - wild camp, 57 km from Kalikhum, in a cemetery, near the Gunt River. N: 38°23.984’ E: 071°08.141’
Jonction-Junction = M-41 et /and A-372. N: 38°50.097’ E: 070°11.686’
Duchambé – Adventurer’s Inn guest house (dch, dej, toilet, wifi, parking) - $$$ - shower, toilet, wifi, parking, breakfast N: 38°36.971’ E: 068°46.661’
between Duchambé et Chugand – Bivouac libre en bas du 2ième col (Sharistan pass), au tout début de l’asphalte, sur le chemin devant le poste Hydro-Electrique. - wild camp at the bottom of the second pass (sharistan Pass), at the beginning of asphalt, on athe side road going to the Hydro electric post. N: 39°34.702’ E: 068°36.042’
Machram – bivouac libre sur le bord du lac reservoir Kajrokkum, près de Machram. - wild camp on the shore of the Kajrokkum lake-reservoir near Machram.. N: 40°14.783’ E: 069°59.826’

Margillan – bivouac libre,10km avant Margillan, dans un champ après la voie ferrée - wild camp, 10 km before Margillan, in a field near the train tracks. N: 40°25.327’ E: 071°33.666’
Fergana – stationnement hotel Ziyarat ($$$) en plein centre ville, près du bazaar - parking hotel Zivarat, right downtown near the bazar. N: 40°23.215’ E: 071°47.453
Tashkent – stationnement hotel Uzbekistan ($$$), wifi – Parking Hotel Uzbekistan (wifi) N: 41°18.682’ E: 069°17.030’
Col Tachtagoracha – bivouac libre au sommet du col, petite route à gche direction Shakrisabz - wild camp, top of the little pass, small road on the left, direction Shakrisabz. N: 39°17.155’ E: 066°55.292’
Boukhara – attention, flics super corrompus – be careful because police super corrupted
Khiva – stationnement à la porte Ouest ($$$). - Parking West gate.

Darvaza – bivouac libre au cratère de gaz naturel (besoin d’un 4x4 pour se rendre – sable mou). Wild camp, natural gaz crater (need a 4x4 to go to the crater – soft sand). N: 40°15.068’ E: 058°26.193’
Achkabad –sur la rue, en face du Guest house Amanov $$$ (dch, toilet.) On the street in front of Amanov Guest House (show. Toilet) N: 37°55.968’ E: 058°22.308’

Mashad. – Parking hotel Pardisan 5* (gratuit), à côté du parc Sedasimo sur le Kalantary Expressway. Wifi dans lobby, toilet. Demander la permission à la reception avant. Parking of Hotel Pardisan, beside parc Sedasimo on the Kalantry expressway – wifi in the lobby, toilet – ask permission first. N: 38°18.064 E: 059°32.156
Boshruiyeh – 30 km avant – bivouac libre. - wild camp, 30 km before Boshruiyeh N:33°44.812 E: 057°44.772
Karanak, direction Yazd, 5 km avant. Bivouac libre – petit chemin à droite du pont – remonter 200m dans le lit de la rivière. – wild camp, 5 km before Yadz – small road to the right of the bridge – drive 200 m in the bed of the (dry) river. N: 32°22.981 E: 054°42.878
Yadz. Parking gardé ($$$), devant Hotel Dad, rue Farvadia, tout près de Hotel Aria, 10 min à pied du centre ville. Guarded parking, in front of Hotel Dad, Farvadia street, near hotel Ariam 10 min wlk to center town. N: 31°53.174 E: 054°22.002
Kurpayeh – Bivoual libre, 65 km avant Esfahan, qques km après Kurpayeh dans un village de MudBricks abandonné +++. - wild camp, 65 km before Esfahan, a few km after Kurpayeh, in an abandoned mud brick village. N: 32°43.634 E: 052°21.012
Esfahan. Parking gardé $$$ dans jardins du palais Behesht, en face de la biblio municipal (internet), rue Bag-e-Golestan. Guarded parking in the Behest Palace Garden, in front of the municipal library (internet), on Bag-e-Golestan street. N: 32°39.308 E: 051°40.304
Izeh – Bivouac libre à135 km de Izeh sur aire de picnic, sur la Rte 72. - wild camp, 135 km from Izeh, on a picnic ground, on rd 72.. N: 31°47.622 E: 050°32.5245
Choca Zambill – parking du site de l’Unesco (gratuit). Unesco site parking (free) N: 32°00.454 sE: 048°31.477
Gascharan, bivouac libre, 5km avant, tout près de l’ancienne route. - wild camp, 5 km before Gascharan, very close to the old road. N: 30°24.646 E: 050°41.416
Shiraz – Parking gardé ($$$) derrière la Madersa Khan. Guarded parking, behind the Madersa Khan. N: 29°36.676 E: 052°32.857
Naqsh-e-Rostan – bivouac libre dans parking - wild camp in the parking. N: 29°59.279 E: 052°52.518
Gordaneh Bezen (vers Neiriz) – Bivouac libre dans le fond d’un reservoir à sec. - wild camp in the bottom of a dry reservoir. N: 29°14.757 E: 053°40.101
Kerman – Parking arrière de l’hotel Akavan ($$$) sur Saderki. Parking behind Hotel Akavan, on Saderki. N: 30°17.123 E: 057°02.827
Rayen – dans le parking du fort Arg-e-Rayen (gratuit). In the parking of the fort Arg-e-Rayen (free). N: 29°35.602 E: 057°26.380
Bam – Akbar Guest House ($$$) – dch,ch, toilette, eau.., toilet, water N: 29°05.463 E; 058°21.723
Zahedan – Parking ($$$) Hotel Zahedan Tourist Inn. Parking hotel Zahedan Tourist Inn N: 29°28.677 E: 060°52.890

Taftan – Coumpound du Custom House de Taftan (gratuit). Coumpound of the Taftan Custon House (free). N: 28°58.489 E: 061°33.303
Nushky – 80 km avant Nushky, bivouac libre entre Padag et Kutraky, à un poste de contrôle.- wild camp, 80 km before Nushky, between Padag & kutraky, at a control post. N: 29°03.113 E: 065°27.482
Quetta – parking ($$$) Hôtel Bloom Star – dch ch. ( N: 30°11.359 E: 067°00.299
Bellpat – parking (gratuit) derrière le poste de police. – free parking behind police station. N: 28°59.456 E: 068°00.555
Sanjanpur - Shell Gas Station (gratuit - free)- N: 28°11.956 E: 069°51.074
Lal Suhanra National Parc – Camping $$$ – dch fr, toilet - cold show, toilet N: 29°26.608 E: 071°59.052
Wagha – poste frontière entre India et Pakistan – parking PTDC (gratuit) – resto, toilet. – border post between India & Pakistan free camping in the garden resto, toilet. N: 31°36.222 E: 074°34.184
Islamabad – Tourist camping à côté du Jasmin Garden $$$ - tourist camping ground, right beside the Jasmin Garden N: 33°42.307 E: 073°05.307
Manshera – 4 km avant, 200m avant le poste de pèage, parking du resto (gratuit). - free parking at the resto, 4 km before Manshera, 200 m before the road toll booth. N: 34°17..170 E: 073°13.704
Barsin (Barseen) – parking $$$, hotel PTDC Khyber Lodge Hotel, juste à l’entrée de Barsin. Parking $$$ hotel PTDC Khyber Lodge, rught at the entrance of Barsin. N: 35°21.432 E: 073°12.189
Skardu – Pont sur l’Indus – à côté des gardiens.. - free camp on the other side of the bridge on the Indus, right beside the guards house. N: 35°46.032 E: 074°35.840
Satpara Lake près de skardu – Lake View Motel, near Skardu. N: 35°14.309 E: 075°38.202
Karimabad – Hunza. Parking gratuit du Polo Ground, au pied du fort. - free parking at the polo ground, at the foot of the fort. N: 36°19.481 E: 074°40.120
Gilgit – Parking $$$ et gardé du PTDC Hotel de Gilgit. - guarded parking at the Gilgit PTDC Hotel . N: 35°55.347 E: 074°19.414
Haripur (10 km au N) – Parking gratuit station essence CNG Al Falah. - free parking at the CNG Al Falah service station N: 34°00.147 E: 073°04.430

INDIA 12/2009 à 03/2010
Amritsar – Bhandari Guest House $$$ – dch ch, toilet, eau, jardin, resto. –, toilet, garden resto, water. N: 31°38.819 E: 074°50.931
Jamsar – Bikaner – 25 km au N de Bikaner, station essence GHAR – toilet. - GHAR Service station, 25 Km North of Bikaner N: 28°15.289 E: 073°24.712
Phalodi – 6 km Est – station essence HP - HP Service station, 6 km East of Phalodi. N: 27°08.354 E: 072°26.198
Jaisalmer – parking gratuit hotel Moomal - free parking, hotel Moomal. N: 26°54.883 E: 070°54.173
Jodhpur – Bisnoi camp resort ($$$), 22km S de Jodhpur sur la route de Pali. Tourner au point GPS N:26°07.293 E: 073°03.452, faire 2.5 km - 22 km South of Jodphur, on the Pali Rd=turn at the following GPS point N:26°07.293 E: 073°03.452,, then drive 2.5 km N: 26°06.540 E: 073°04.478
Ranakpur – parking gratuit du Ranakpur Hill resort (mgr ++, dche ch, toilet, resto, piscine, jardin). - free parking at the Ranakpur Hill Resort (mgr++,, toilet, resto, pool, garden) N: 25°08.281 E: 073°28.125
Udaipur – Shilpi Resort and Resto ($$$), juste à côté du Shilpgram craft village (toilet, piscine) – right beside the Shilpgram craft village (toilet, pool) N: 24°36.549 E: 073°39.656
Varodabad, 10 km au N – Station d’essence - Service station, 10 km N of Varadabad. N: 22°23.703 E: 073°16.635
Parolha-Dulhe – station petroleum Ujjwalla,Indian oil, 20 km Est de Dhule, 16 km de Parolha. - Ujjwalla,Indian oil service station, 20 km East of Dhule, 16 km from Parolha. N: 20°51.917 E: 074°57.670
Ellora (caves) – parking SSS, Hotel Kailash, in Ellora, juste à côté de l’entrée du site. (toilet) - parking SSS, Hotel Kailash, in Ellora,, right beside the site entrance (toilet). N: 20°01.417 E: 075°10.439
Shipur – parking gratuit Hotel Yash Inn (mgr ++), route SH60. – free parking, Hotel Yash Inn, Rd SH60. N: 18°46.856 E: 074°17.272
Molem (Goa) – derrière le poste de police (gratuit) – free, behind the police station. N: 15°22.621 E: 074°13.757
Agonda Beach, Goa. Bivouac libre sur la plage ++ Wild camp on the Agonda Beach, Goa. N: 15°01.906 E: 073°59.469
Malpe Beach, Kernataka; Bivouac libre sur front de mer près Hôtel Paradise Isle Beach Resort - wild camp by the ocean, near the Hôtel Paradise Isle Beach Resort. N: 13°21.651’ E: 074°41.911’
Kappad Beach – bivouac libre sur parking face à l’hôtel - wild camp in front of the hotel N: 11°23.671’ E: 075°42.830
Thattekad Bird Sanctuary, dans la Réserve. In the Reserve N: 10°07.768’ E: 076°41.330’
Allepy – Gowri Residence $$$ (jardin, toilet, dch,resto) – (garden, toilet, show, resto) N: 09°30.425’ E: 076°20.402’
Kunyakhumari – bivouac libre aux pieds de la madone, 2km Ouest de la place touristique.-wild camp at the foot of the Madona, 2 km West of the touristic place. N: 08°04.690’ E: 077°31.911’
Madurai – parking devant hotel Sangam on Alagar Koil Rd(toilet, dch, piscine, resto, jardin).- Free parking in front of the Sangam Hotel on Algar Koil Rd (toilet, show, pool, resto, garden) N: 09°56.452’ E: 078°08.376’
Rameswaren – Parking gratuity sur front de mer devant hotel Tamil Nadu. - free parking in front of Hotel tamil Nadu in front of the ocean N: 0-9°17.462’ E: 079°19.348’
Thanjanur – Parking $$$ de Ideal River View resort (pisc, toilet, dch,resto, jardin). Un peu cher, mais pour la St-Valentin… - Parking of Ideal River View Resort (pool, toilet, resto, show. Garden). A bit expensive, but… N: 10°49.256’ E: 079°06.709’
Auroville – bivouac libre dans stationnement du site – free camp in the parking of the site N: 12°00.279’ E: 079°68.022’
Mammalapuram – parking $$$ de Ideal Beach Resort (toilet, resto) – un peu cher N: 12°38.971 E: 080°12.367’
Ongole (au nord) – station service HP N: 15°40.755 E: 080°01.009’
Dichpalli – station service HP N: 18°35.480’ E: 078°13.202’
Pench Tiger Reserve, 2 km after Turia, 10 km Ouest de Khawase – 2km after Turia, 10 km West of Khawase. N: 21°44.336’ E: 079°20.275’
Katni (50km, S) – station service Bharat Petroleum (dch, toilet, resto).(show, toilet, resto) N: 23°27.281’ E: 080°05.549’
Khajuraho – parking $$$, hotel Payal (jardin dch, piscine, toilet, resto). - (garden, show, pool,toilet, resto) N: 24°51.478’ E: 079°55.669’
Varanasi – parking $$$, Surya Hotel (Jardin, pisc, dch, toilet, resto). - garden, show, pool,toilet, resto N: 25°20.280’ E: 082°58.719’
Kantur (qques km avant) station service Indian Oil N: 26°08.464’ E: 080°34.524’
Agra – parking $$$ Lauries Hotel N: 27°10.146’ E: 078°00.535’
Delhi – parking gratuit Nehru Park (dche, toilet à 100 m) – free parking, Nehru Park (toilet, show at 100 m) N: 28°35.518 E: 077°11.529’
Chandigarh – parking gratuit du Bougainvillea Garden, 800m du Rock Garden. - Free parking at Bougainvillea Garden, 800m from the Rock Garden. N: 30°45.523’ E: 076°47.869
Dharamsala-McCloed Ganj – parking $$$ Bagshu Hotel (HPTDC)(toilet) – prendre la route des autobus pour monter - take the bus route to go up the hill. N: 32°14.121’ E: 076°19.530’
Mandi – route du haut – Munish Resort ($$$) (dche, toilet wifi, resto) – upper Rd (, toilet, resto, wifi) N: 31°42.224’ E: 076°56.772’
Narakanda (12km Ouest de) sur NH 22 – bivouac libre bord de route - wild camp on the side of the road, 12 km West of Narakanda on NH12 Rd. N: 31°12.300’ E: 077°25.180’
Nako – bivouac libre right by the helipad, 3604m altitude - wild camp at the helipad N: 31°53.187’ E: 078°37.717’
Tabo – bivouac libre, parking in front of the Boys Hostel – free parking in front of the Boys Hostel. N: 32°05.704 E: 078°23.132
Dankhar Gompa – 3,910m altitude – parking libre devant le monastère neuf - free parking in front of the new monastery. N: 32°05.310 E: 078°13.007’
Rivière Sutley, sur la NH 22 – bivouac libre bord de rivière entre Jangi et Schillow. – peut-être besoin d’un 4x4 pour remonter la pente. - wild camp by the River, between Jangi & Schillow – a 4x4 might be necessary to climb up the hill N: 32°05.697’ E: 078°23.130’
Sungri, 11km avant, bord de route – alt 2341 - 11km before Sungri, on the side of the Rd. N: 31°22.915’ E: 077°42.025’
Mussoorie – bivouac libre en montagne, sur bord de route. - wild camp on the side of the Rd. N: 30°50.677’ E: 077°49.601’
Mussoorie (3 – 4 km de) direction New Tehri, bivouac libre bord de route. - wild camp on the side of the Rd, 3-4km fromm Mussoorie, direction New Tehri. N: 30°26.935’ E: 078°05.513’
Chamba-mussoorie rte – 11 km de Stone – Kanatal Resort + Spa – Hôtel4* - cher mais valait le repos - expensive, but we needde a break.. N: 30°24.692’ E: 078°20.568’
Kotdwar – parking gratuit du Shakuntalam children park, 500m après le pont sur route vers Corbet Tiger Reserve - free parking of the Shakuntalam Children Park, 500m after the bridg on the Rd towards Corbett. N: 29°45.380’ E: 078°32.231’
Ramnagar - Corbett Tiger Resereve – parking Dhikala – (toilet) N: 29°35.060’ E: 078°51.844’ L’entrée du parc pour Dhikala se fait à la porte Ghangari Gate - the entrance of the parc for Dhikala is at the Ghangari gate N: 29°31.556, E: 078°51.844’
Rhanikhet (5km au Sud) – bivouac libre, bord de route, 2 km avant village - wild camp by the Rd, 2km before the village. N: 29°37.194 E: 079°26.194’
Sitharganj – (4km Est - East) – petite station service Indian Oil - small service station. N: 28°53.388’ E: 079°45.029’
Siliguri-Darjeeling: bivouac libre sur bord de route, 3 km avant Kurseong, 50 km avant Garjeeling, 100 m de la madone –
wild camping, side of the road, 3 km before Kurseong, 50 km before Darjeeling, 100 m from the Madona. N: 26°50.647’ E: 088°20.541’
Darjeeling: Parking $$$, hotel Elgin (friendly, douche, toilettes, resto) – parking $$$ hotel Elgin – friendly, showers, toilets, resto). N: 27°02.605’ E: 088°16.067’

SIKKIM – INDIA 09/2010
Noya Bazar: Bivouac libre à 23 km de Noya, sur le bord de la route près de la rivière. – Wild camp 23 km from Noya, on the side of the road near the river. N: 27°05.021’ E: 088°25.390’
Pelling(Pemayangtse): Bivouac libre parking hotel Elgin Mount Pandim, à condition de manger au resto (très bon) – accueil super chaleureux, vue imprenable – free parking at the Elgin Mount Pandim hotel if you eat in their restaurant (good) – very friendly hosts fantastic views. N: 27°18.315’ E: 088°14.880’
Yuksum: bivouac libre, bord de route, 8 km avant Yuksum venant de Pelling - wild camp on the side of the road, 8 km before Yuksum coming from Pelling. N: 27°21.739’ E: 088°12.666’
Ravangla-taku: Bivouac libre , bord de route, 15 km de Taku – wild camp, side of the road, 15 km from Taku. N: 27°16.457’ E: 088°22.041’
Gangtok: Parking $$$, hotel NorkHill – Parking $$$, hotel NorkHill. N: 27°20.054’ E: 088°36.760’
Singkik (Kodyong): Bivouac libre, bord de route, après un pont, 1 km de Main, 2 km de Sungkik – wild camp, side of the road, after a bridge, 1 m from Main, 2 km from Sungkik. N: 27°30.841’ E: 088°34.651’
Singtam: Bivouac libre, à 9 km au Nord dans un champ de football très haut au-dessus de l rivière - wild camp, 9 km North of Singtam, in a football field way up a river. N: 27°15.879’ E: 088°26.814’
Kalimpong: Parking Hotel Silver oaks – doit prendre la pension complete. – Parking hotel Silver Oaks – need to take full pension. N: 27°03.910’ E: 088°28.230’
Lataguri: Bivouac libre dans parking du Parc Ntl Gorumara, 3 km avant Lataguri, direction Bangladesh. - wild camp, parking of Ntl Parc Gorumara, 3 km before Lataguri, direction Bangladesh. N: 26°43.577’ E: 088°46.512’

NEPAL 03/2010
Lumbini – Parking $$$ - Hotel Maya Garden Resort (eau, toilet, resto, dch) – (water, toilet, resto, shower) N: 27°27.726’ E: 083°16.931’
Chitwan – Sauraha: parking au bout de la route qui va vers le Elephant breeding center. - free parking at the end of the Rd which goes to the Elephant Breeding Center. N: 27°35.005’ E: 084°27.990’
Chitwan – Sauraha: Parking $$$, Green Mansion Resort (eau, toilet, dche, resto, jardin) - water, toilet, resto, show, garden N: 27°35.094’ E: 084°28.309’
Pokhara - Jardin en face du Bishnu Lodge $$$ (eau, électri, toilet,, resto), 1km du centre ville). – garden in front of the Bishnu Lodge (water, toilet, resto ,, elect.), 1km from center town N: 28°13.263’ E: 083°57.361’
Pokhara – Fewa camping $$$ au bout du lac à Pame, à 7 km du centre ville (électric, toilet, eau, dche). - Fewa Camping in Pame, at the end of the lake, 7km from center town(water, toilet, electri, shower) N: 28°14.156’ E: 083°54.404’
Pokhara: endroit secure pour remiser le véhicule (pour trek ou voyage à l’étranger)– 1,000NRs/mois in 2010. Direction: Naya Bazar, prendre la petite rue en face de Hero Honda - Secure place to leave vehicule while on trek or going abroad, 1,000NRs/month in 2010. Direction: Naya Bazar, take the small street in front of Hero Hond.a. N: 28°12.973’ E: 083°59.317’
Biddur-Thisuli: - Langtang trek – Parking au Bhemeswar Guest House, sur un petit plat juste à côté du guest house - petite pente étroite à grimper– free parking right beside the Bhemeswhar Guest House in a small flat right beside the guest house- small narrow hill to climb N: 27°54.983’ E: 085°08.536’
Danam: Bivouac libre à 1 km au sud de Danam, 74 km de Katmandou, sur le bord de la route – wild camp, 1 km south of Danam, 74 km from Kathmandu – Alt – 2302m N: 27°36.315’ E: 085°05.308’ Il y a une meilleure place à 1 km au sud de Simblanjyan - a better place at 1 km south of Simblanjyan
Rupani: Bivouac libre en face du poste militaire à l’Ouest de Rupani -
wild camp in front of the military post N: 26°37.877’ E: 086°46.786’

Rangpur: Bivouac libre dans parking du RDRS, avec souper à leur resto – M” Aslam Pervez, Mgr est très chaleureux (toilettes, douches lobby resto). - wild camp, parking of RDRS, with dinner at their resto – Mr Aslam Pervez, Mgr is extremely friendly (toilet, shower, lobby, resto). N: 25°45.587’ E: 089°14.533’
Paharpur: Parking $$$ en face du Archéological Guest House – Parking $$$ in front of the Arceological Guest House” N: 25°01.868’ E: 088°58.763’
????: Bivouac libre dans parking de station d’essence à mi-chemin entre les 2 villes??? – wild camp in a fuel station in between 2 cities??? N: 23°47.281’ E: 089°06.679’
Mongla: Hôtel Pashur (Parjatan), parking secure, chamber OK, pas cher. Resto – Hotel Pashur (Parjatan), with good and safe parking, room OK, not expensive - resto. N: 22°28.441’ E: 089°35.845’
Faridpur: Bivouac libre dans parking de Holland Children House (orphelinat), 4 km de Faridpur, direction Dacca. – wild camp, parking of Holland Children House (orphanage), 4 km from Faridpur, direction Daka” N: 23°37.026’ E: 089°46.267’
Daka-Dacca: parking pour un petit camping car à l’Hôtel Le Chalet, chambres avec wifi OK – Parking for one small camping car at Hotel Le Chalet, room with wifi OK. N: 23°47.160’ E: 090°24.975’
Comilla: Bivouac libre dans parking Noorjahan ,resto. – Wild camp, parking Noorjahan resto. N: 23°25.045’ E: 091°10.477’
Chittagong: Parking gardé (24h) dans la rue en face de l’hôtel Meridian – chambres (internet), resto, services OK – Guarded parking in the street in front of Meridian Hotel – rooms (internet), resto, services OK N: 22°21.602’ E: 091°49.318’

MALAISIE 11/2010
Kuala Lumpur: Hôtel Swiss Garden Hotel dans l’attente du container en provenance de Chittagong. Hotel Swiss Garden hotel while waiting for our container from Chittagong. N: 03°08.390’ E: 101°42.210’
Klang: Family Hôtel ($$$) N: 03°02.589’ E: 101°26.427’
Klang: Histana Hotel ($$$), 10 Jalan Batu Tiga Lama, 41300 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia; tel: 6-03-3343-8999, Fax: 6-03-3341-8000, Mail: N: 03°03.062’ E: 101°27.448’
Klang: Parking municipal $$$ derrière Hôtel Putari Garden Hotel, AIA, juste à côté du Club Klang. Municipal parking $$$ behind Putari garden Hotel, AIA, right beside Klang Club. N: 03°02.351’ E: 101°26.926’
Port Klang (Pelabaham Klang): Bivouac libre dans le parking du Royal Selangor Yatch club – piscine, resto, bar, douche, toilettes - wild camp, parking of the Royal Selangor Yatch club (pool, resto, bar, shower, toilet) N: 03°00.263’ E: 101°23.601’
Port Dickson: Bivouac libre à 2 km au sud de Port Dickson, direction Malaca, à 500 m d’une laundry et d’une station d’essence Caltex, dans un grand parc. - wild camp, 2 km south of PD, direction Melaka, 500 m from a laundry and a Caltex garage, in a nice parc. N: 02°31.426’ E: 101°48.455’
Mélaca-Malaka: Bivouac libre dans Parking du Stradhuis – wild camp in Stradhuis Parking. N: 02°11.630 E: 102°14.912’
Genting Hills: Bivouac libre dans parking (#5) du Theme Park Hotel – wild camp in the parking (#5) of the theme park hotel. N: 03°25.282’ E: 101°47.723’
Fraser Hills: Bivouac libre dans un petit parc-parking direction Jeriau Falls, juste après le Smokehouse. - wild camp in a small parc-parking direction Jeriau falls right after the Smokehouse. N: 03°43.090’ E: 101°43.770’
Cameron Highlands: BOH Tea Plantation centre des visiteurs et usine – bivouac libre bord du chemin devant l’arrêt de bus, 125 m du centre des visiteurs – BOH tea Plantation & Factory – wild camp in front of the bus stand, 125 m from the visitor center. N: 04°26.858’ E: 101°25.327’
Cameron Highlands Gurum Brincham: BOH tea plantation, bivouac libre sur un joli petit plat sur le bord du chemin au milieu de la plantation – BOH Tea plantation, wild camp on a nice little flat on the side of the road in the middle of the tea plants. N: 04°31.243’ E: 101°24.011’
Border(Malaysia-Thailand): Bivouac libre au Darularam Park Equine Center, sortie 181 – prendre la direction du golf. – wild camp in Darularam Park Equine Center, exit 181 – take the golf direction. N: 06°15.233’ E: 100°26.329’
Cheratin: Bivouac libre sur la plage Cheratin – wild camp on the Cheratin Beach. N: 04°07.560’ E: 103°23.600’
Kemasik: Bivouac libre, parking de l’aire de repos, bord de mer – wild camp, rest area parking by the beach. N: 04°24.930’ E: 103°27.380’
Tasik Kenyir: Lac kenyir-Pengkala gawi – bivouac libresur le bord du lac, dans l’aire de picnic entre le Lake Kenyir Spa and Resort et le Kenyir Sanctuary Resort - wild camp in a picnic area between Lake Kenyir Spa and Resort and Kenyir Sanctuary Resort. N: 05°08.341’ E: 102°48.484’

Pak Meng Beach: près de Sikao, bivouac libre bord de mer, 1 km après les restos – near Sikao, wild camp, 1 km after the bunch of restos. N: 07°28.641’ E: 099°19.994’
Pa BON Pa Bak: bivouac libre, au pied de la montagne, par un petit chemin goudroné, off Rte 4 – wild camp at the foot of the mountain, off Rd 4, at the end of a small paved road. N: 07°09.870’ E: 100°16.125’
Ko Lantha: Bivouac libre en face du White Rock Resort dans un petit champ sur bord de mer et plage Klong Nin. Wild camp in a small field in front of the White Rock Resort, on Klong Nin Beach N: 07°33.444’ E: 099°02.875’ Autre emplacement - parking à côté de l’hôtel La Casuarina – other camping place: parking right beside the La Casuarina hotel N: 07°36.252’ E: 099°02.086’
Krabi: Bivouac libre dans parking de Marine Park & Resort (demander la permission à l’agent de sécurité) – wild camp in the parking of the Marine Park & Resort (ask permission to the security guard) N: 08°04.977’ E: 098°55.000’
Phuket: Karon Beach – bivouac libre complètement au Nord de la plage, juste avant le Grand Centara Resort (location de chaise et de parasol direct devant votre camping car) – Wild camp at the end of Karon beach, right beside the Grad Centara resort (possibility of renting chair and umbrella right in front of your camping car – very quiet at night. N: 07°51.260’ E: 098°17.485’
Hat Khao Lak - (Bang Niang Beach): bivouac libre sur front de mer, au bout de Bang Niang Soi 1, km 793.5 sur Road 4 – tourner vers la mer au Diva Pub, faire 1 km, puis tourner à droite, faire 1 km et prendre une place sous les cocotiers – très tranquille. - wild camp by the beach at the end of Bang Niang Soi 1, km 793.5 on Hgw 4 – turn toward the sea at Diva pub, drive 1 km, turn right for 1 km, park under the coco trees, - very quiet. N: 08°40.427’ E: 098°14.527’
Thap Sakae: Bivouac libre à 6.2 km sur la rte 4, au sud de Thap Sakae, sur Hat LaemkumBeach, au monastère et temple boudhiste, presque sur la plage, entre Rocky Point Resort et Laemkum Beach Resort (demander la permission au moine – très gentil) – Wild camp almost on the beach at the Boudhit monastery-temple, between Tocky Point Resort amd Laemkum Beach Resort, South of Thap Sakae at 6.2 km from Rd 4 (ask the permission to the monk – very friendly). N: 11°27.858’ E: 099°37.153’
Kuibuzi: Bivouac libre, station à essence, Rte 4, 38 km au nord de Pachua Kirikan – wild camp, fuel station, Rd 4, 38 km north of Pachua Kirikan. N: 12°08.803 E: 099°50.920’
Sam Roi Yod Beach: Bivouac libre au Dolphin Beach Resort and resto, juste avant le Parc National – Wild camp at the Dolphin Beach Resort and Resto, just before the National Park. N: 12°14.530’ E: 099°59.086’
Kanchanaburi: Bivouac libre 29 km avant K, 104 km de Bangkok dans parking de Hino Truck and car dealer (demander permission – gens très gentils) – Wild camp in the parking of the Hino Truck and Car dealer, km 29 from K and 104 from Bangkok (ask permission). N: 13°57.890’ E: 099°43”566’
Ayutthaya: Bivouac libre dans jardin du Thai Youth Hostel, 7M002, Rajana Road (Panomyang) – wild camp in the garden of the Thai Youth Hostel, 7M002 Rajana Rd (Panomyang). N: 14°21..067’ E: 100°34.587’ Autre emplacement – other camping spot – parking of the Visitor Center. N: 14°20”988’ E: 100°33”616’
Sakhuthai: bivouac libre dans parking du Tourism info Center - wild camp in the Tourism Info Center parking. N: 17°01.830’ E: 099°42.209’ Autre emplacement - other camping spot – parking of Wat Si Chum. N: 17°01.651’ E: 099°41.682’
Lampang: Bivouac libre, 48 km avant Lampang dans un aire de picnic - wild camp in a picnic area, 48 km before lampang. N: 18°00.711’ E: 099°43.269’
Hang Chat: Elephant conservation Center – bivouac libre dans le parking - wild camp in the parking of the center. N: 18°21.410’ E: 099°14.563’
Chiang Mai: Riverside House, juste à côté du TAT (Tourism Aouthority of Thailand en face du iron bridge)-parking dans la rue (gardé la nuit) – Street parking (guarded at niught) in front of the Riverside House, right beside TAT and the Iron Bridge. N: 18°47.052’ E: 099°00.346’m
Don Inthanon National Parc: Bivouac libre , petit plat, 50 m au bas du parking de Siriphum Falls et du Royal Garden Sirikit (alt: 1315 m) – wild camp on a little flat, 50 m below the parking of the Siriphum Falls and the Royal Garden Sirikit. N: 18°32.792’ E: 098°30.97’
Don Inthanon National Parc: Parking de Mae Pau Falls (+ tranquille que le terrain de camping en bas) – alt: 1230 m - wild camp in the parking of Mae Pau Falls (+ quiet than the camping area below). N: 18°31.664’ E: 098°27.382’
Mae La Noi: Calcite cave – bivouac libre dans le parking du site(tranquille) - wild camp in the parking of the site. N: 18°23.407’ E: 097°58.033’
Mae Kon Son: Bivouac libre derrière Chang Klang et Chom Khoa, près du lac et du night market - wild camp behind the temples of Chang klang and Chom Khom, near the lake and the night market. N: 19°17.847’ E: 097°58.011’
Tai Pai Hot Spring: bivouac libre sur le parking du site, juste avant la barrière de garde - wild camp on the parking of the site, right beside the guard house. N: 19°18.464’ E: 098°28.323’
Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary: bivouac libre sur un petit plat juste avant de monter au Sanctuaire, 500 m avant le temple et centre monastique et 1 ou 2 km après les Chiang Dao Caves - wild camp on a little flat just in front of the road going to the sanctuary, 500 m before the temple and 1 or 2 km after the Chiang Dao caves. N: 19°24.229’ E: 098°55.392’
Tha Ton: bivouac libre dans un petit parc boisé, côté rivière Mae Nam Kok, juste après Tha Ton, à 1.5 km de l’entrés du parc - wild camp in a small forested parc on the side of the Mae Nam kok River, right after Tha Ton, at 1.5 km from the parc. N: 20°03.564’ E: 099°22.297’
Myanmar-Thailand: bivouac libre sur le bord de la route 1149, à 150 m du belvédère, à 400 m du poste de garde, à 100 m de Doi Chang Mup, à 20 km de Mae Sai tout le long de la frontière Myanmar – Thaïlande - wild camp on the side of the Rd 1149, at 150 from the scenic viewpoint, at 400 m from the guard house, at 100 m from Doi Chang Mup, at 20 km from Mae Sai following the Myanmar (Burma) – Thailand border. N: 20°20.083’ E: 099°48.688’
Chang Rai: bivouac libre dans un champ au sud de CR, borne 6 km, derrière un gros panneau publicitaire à côté d’une pèpinière sur la Rte A1 - wild camp in a field south of CR, marker 6 Km, behind a huge billboard right beside a small nursery on Rd A1. N: 19°51.574’ E: 099°49.096’
Chiang Rai: Boan Warabordee Guest House (avec parking) – Boan Warabordee Guest House (with parking). N: 19°54.194’ E: 099°50.155’
Doi Pha Tang: bivouac libre dans parking (eau), à 2 km de la Rte 1093 (alt – 1540 m) - wild camp in the parking (water), 2 km from Rd 1093 (alt – 1540 m). N: 19°55.863’ E: 100°31.154’
Ban Sakoen: bivouac libre dans le parking du parc national Tham Sakoen, Km 67 sur la Rte 1148, à 3 km de la Route, au sud de Chiang Kham - wild camp in the parking of the Tham Sakoen National Parc, Km 67 on Rd 1148, 3 km from the Rd, south of Chiang Kham. N: 19°22.882’ E: 100°32.349’
Nan: bivouac libre, terrain de football derrière le Child Friendly School, 800 après le pont, direction Wat Parathat Chae Haeng - wild camp, football field behind the Child Friendly School, 800 m after the bridge, direction Wat Parathat Chae Haeng. N: 18°46.280’ E: 100°46.883
Ban Khoh: bivouac libre dans un terrain vacant 20 km au sud de Ban Khoh, sur Rte 1268 direction sud, 100 m après petite école rurale élémentaire (autour du km 32) - wild camp in an open field 20 km south of Ban Khoh on Rd 1268 going south, 100 from a small rural school (around km 32 marker). N: 17°53.300’ E: 100°58.587’
Ban Phu: Bivouac libre dans le parking du Phu Phrabat Historical Parc, à 14 km de Ban Phu – wild camp in the parking of Phu Phrabat Historical Parc, 14 km from ban Phu. N: 17°43.855’ E: 102°21.455’
Ban Chiang: bivouac libre dans le parking du Wat Pho Si Nai qui est le burial ground excavation pit, à 500 m du musée. - wild camp in the parking lot of Wat Pho Si Nai which is the burial ground excavation pit, 500 m from the museum. N: 17°24.486’ E: 103°14.610’
Ban Phu Phan: bivouac libre, 5.8 km après l’aire de picnic du Phu Phan Ntl Parc et la grosse borne kilométrique (km 21-750), sur la Rte 213 sur le bord d’un petit lac (km 11–106), avant le reservoir Nam Pao Dam - wild camp, 5.8 km after the picnic area of the Phu Phan Ntl Parc and the big ciment marker (km 21-750) on Rd 213, on the side of a small lake at km 11-106, before the Nam Pao Dam Lake. N: 17°05.492’ E: 105°59.194’
Hat Sai Kaew: bivouac libre sur la plage, km 48 sur la Rte 3 (juste avant ou après le poste de contrôle militaire selon la direction – regardez pour le musée de la croix rouge); au bout du chemin d’accès, virez à droite jusqu’à la fin – wild camp on the beach, km 48 on Rd 3, just before or after the military control point depending on your directio- check also for the Red Cross museum: drive the access road and at the end, make a right turn and drive up to the end. N: 11°58.719’ E: 102°46.078’
Sattahip: bivouac libre sur la plage de Sai Kaew – accès par la base marine sur la Rte 3, direction Bangkok (laisser pièce d’identité) – wild camp on Sai Kaew beach – access by the marine base (need to give an identity card). N: 12°45.162’ E: 100°51.085’
Bangkok: Penpark Place Guest House($$$), 22 soi Samsen Rd#3, Samphaya Pranakon: wifi, A/C, clean - Penpark Place Guest House($$$), 22 soi Sansen, Rd#3, Samphaya Pranakon: wifi, A/C, clean, not expansive. N: 13°45.931’ E: 100°29.852’
Khao Yai, Nat. Parc (Unesco): 3 h au nord est de Bangkok par la Rte 1 et la 2 jusqu’à Pak Chong; terrain de camping Lam Takhong($$$) avec toilette et douche dans un cadre enchanteur – 3 hr Nord East of Bangkok by Rd 1 and 2 up to Pak Chong; wild camp in Lam Takhong camping ground with toilet and shower in a beautiful environment. N: 14°25.392’ E: 101°23.134’
Phimai: bivouac libre dans un champ, 1 km au sud du Parc Historique de Phimai, direction Huay Thalaeng et Nang Rong – wild camp in a field, 1 km south of the Phimai Historical Parc, direction Huay thalaeng and Nang Rong. N: 15°12.889’ E: 102°29.823’
Khao Chakan: bivouac libre dans un champ de cannes à sucre au sud du village sur la 317, direction Chamburi, juste avant le village de Ban Klong Hin Pun – wild camp in a sugar canne field South of the village, on Rd 317, direction Chantaburi, just before ban Klong Hin Pun village. N: 13°37.831’ E: 102°06.795’
Ko Chang (Hat Kong Prao Beach): bivouac libre sur la plage au bout d’un chemin-piste en gravier de 1.3 km; d’abord passer devant KP huts, puis à droite passer devant Tiger Huts, puis devant Panviram Resort (ressemble à un temple); prendre à gauche devant un grand mur gris le petit chemin (150 m) qui mène à la plage; sur la Rte principale tourner aux panneaux qui annoncent Panviram, Tiger huts et KP Huts. - wild camp on the beachat the end of a dirt road, 1.3 km from the main Rd; Turn right at KP Huts, pass Tiger huts and Panviram resort (look like a temple), then turn left in front of the grey brick wall on the small dirt Rd (150 m) which leads to the beach. On the main Rd, turn at the signs of Panviram, Tiger Huts and KP Huts. N: 12°03.261’ E: 102°17.449’

Namkhao: bivouac libre à 28 km au nord de la frontière sur la Rte 4, sur un petit terrain en hauteur près de la route - wild camp at 28 km north of the border on Rd 4, on a small hight field near the road. N: 17°55.896’ E: 101°21.079’
Xayabouli: bivouac libre, 10 km au sud, dans un genre de carrière de sable - wild camp, 10 Km south of X in some kimnd of a sand quarry. N: 19°12.050 E: 101°35.578’
Kuang Xi waterfalls: bivouac libre dans le parking du site (toilette) - wild camp in the parking of the site(toilet). N: 19°45.073’ E: 101°59.825’
Luang Prabang: bivouac libre dans la rue bordant le mékong, en face du bar-resto Pizza Sasa - wild camp on the street by the Mekong in front of the resto-bar Pizza Sasa.. N: 19°53.348’ E: 102°07.863’
Xangja(pakmong): bivouac libre, 1 km au sud de Xongja, 25 km au nord de Pakmong, au km 521, rte NH 13(alt: 1153) - wild camp, 1 km south of Xangja, 25 km north of Pakmong Km 521 on Rd NH 13. N: 20°34.243’ E: 102°15.471
Luang Nam Tha: bivouac libre au pied de la stupa Mixay ou That Luang NamTha - wild camp at the foot of That Luang NamTha (Mizay) stupa. N: 21°00.484’ E: 101°24.211’
Vieng Thong: bivouac libre, 45 km avant VT, sur le bord de la route au km 157, 99 km de Phou Lao, derrière une petite hutte en bamboo - wild camp, 45 km before VT on the side of the road, Km 157, 99 km from Phou Lao, behind a small bamboo hut. N: 20°10.213’ E: 103°10.593’
Phonsaven: bivouac libre dans le parking du Lao War Memorial - wild camp in the parking of the Lao War Memorial. N: 19°26.283’ E: 103°12.488’
Vang Vieng: bivouac libre dans le jardin du Khamphone Garden Guest House (douche). Le Guest House est à la partie sud de la ville, 500 m avant la station d’essence et la jonction avec la Rte 13 - wild camp in the garden of the Khamphone Garden Guest House (shower) – the Guest House is at the south end of town 500 m before the fuel station and the junction with Rd 13. N: 18°54.761’ E: 102°26.981’
Vientiane: Villa That Luang, 307 That Luang Rd (wifi) - villa That Luang, 307 That Luang Rd (wifi). N: 17°58.505’ E: 102°37.811’
Thakaek: bivouac libre sur le bord du Mékong, devant le poste de police - wild camp by the Mekong river, in front of the Police station. N: 17°23.295’ E: 104°48.309’
Ban Tha Long: bivouac libre juste avant de traverser le pont sur le bord de la rivière Nam Theun - wild camp just before crossing the bridge right by the River Nam Theun. N: 17°50.680’ E: 105°03.158’
Kondlor caves: bivouac libre dans un petit champ, 350 m du parking du site, 42 km de la jonction avec la route principale (8A) - wild camp in a small field, 350 m from the parking site, 42 km from the junction with the main road (8A). N: 17°57.550’ E: 104°45.059’
Ban Vuen ferry (New friendship bridge): Bivouac libre un peu en hauteur sur le bord du Mékong, à peu près 12 -15 km au Nord de Thakaek - wild camp in front and above the Mekong, 12 – 15 km North of Thakaek. N: 17°29.514’ E: 104°43.873’
Savannakhet: bivouac libre derrrière le mur du temple That Ing Hang, 12 km NE de Savannakhet via Rte 9 et 3 km de la jonction - wild camp behind the wall of the That Ing Hang temple, 12 km NE of savannakhet via Rd 9 and 3 km from the junction. N: 16°36.495’ E: 104°51.060’
Pakse: bivouac libre au bord du Mekong, sur petite rue de côté - wild camp by the Mekong on a small side street. N: 15°06.090’ E: 105°47.820’
Tat Lo: Bivouac libre dans le parking de la 1ière chute, juste avant le pont - eild camp in the parking of the first fall, before crossing the bridge. N: 15°31.992’ E: 106°16.342’
Champasak: bivouac libre dans un petit champ au bord du Mekong, juste après le village, à 6.5 km de Wat Phu - wild camp in a small field by the Mekong, right after the village, at 6.5 km from Wat Phu. N: 14°52.202’ E: 105°52.375’
Muang Khong(Si Phan Don = 4,000 islands): bivouac libre, centre ville, devant le Wat Phuang Kaew, au bord du Mékong - wild camp in the town center in front of the Wat Phuang Kaew temple, by the Mekong. N: 14°06.958’ E: 105°51.306’
Khon Phapheng falls(Si Phan Don): bivouac libre dans le parking des chutes, 10 km avant la frontière du Cambodge à Voen Kham - wild camp in the parking of the falls, 10 km before the Border at Voen Kham. N: 13°57.524’ E: 105°59.489’

Changktang (near Kampi Dolphin): Bivouac libre sur le bord de la route devant un temple à 7 km au Nord de Kratie - wild camp on the side of the road in front of a temple at 7 km from Kratie. N: 12°33.098’ E: 106°00.471’
Phnom Srei + Phnom Pros: bivouac libre dans un champ sur la NH 21 près de Boskhnaor - wild camp in a field on Rd NH 21, near Boskhnaor. N: 12°11.987’ E: 105°18.788’
Siem Reap: Earthwalkers Guest House – resto, pool, wifi, electricity, toilette, shower” N: 13°22.140’ E: 103°50.640’
Choam: bivouac libre dans un champ en contre-bas, derrière le poste de police routière, à 4 km de la frontière avec la Thaïlande et du centre d’incinération de Pol Pot - wild camp in a low field behind the road police checkpoint, 4 km from the Thai border and the Pol Pot cremation center. N: 14°19.927’ E: 104°04.568’
Phnom Penh: bivouac libre dans le parking du Cambodiana hotel (demander la permission) - wild camp in the parking of the Cambodiana hotel (ask permission first). N: 11°33.548’ E: 104°56.145’
Phnom Penh: bivouac libre en face du Imperial Garden, en arrière du Cambodiana Hotel, juste devant le Mekong - Wild camp by the Mekong in front of the Imperial garden Hotel right behind the Cambodiana Hotel. N: 11°33.555‘ E: 104°56.268’
Phnom Penh: Manor House ($$$), #21 rue 262, 1 parking, piscine, petit déj, clim – Manor House($$$), #21 street 262, 1 parking,pool,breakfast, A/C. N: 11°33.395’ E: 104°55.529’
Sihanook Ville (Otres Beach): Bivouac libre sur la plage, 1,5 km from the restos - wild camp on the beach, 1.5 km from the restos. N: 10°33.879’ E: 103°33.352’
Kep: Kep Lodge (proprio Suisse=Dan Kreis -$$$), parking, piscine, resto, wifi, etc – Kep Lodge (Swiss owner=Dan Kreis-$$$) parking, pool, resto, wifi, etc… N: 10°29.718’ E: 104°17.776’
Kho Kong: Bivouac libre, petit belvedere, à peu près 37.3 km du rond point au pont de Kho Kong, sur la Rte 48, tout près de la frontière de la Thaïlande – wild camp at a nice viewpoint, 37.3 km from the roundabout at the Kho kong bridge, on Rd 48, close to the Thai border. N: 11°31.256’ E: 103°13.805’

Medan: Grand Swiss BelHotel ($), Jalan S. Parman No. 217, Medan 20152, North Sumatra, Indonesia; tel: (62-61)-457-6999, Fax: (61-62)-457-0606; mail: N: 03°35.051 E: 098°40.012
Kuta Bangun (on croit): Bivouac libre sur aire en ciment pour le séchage de grain, sur la route entre Brastagi et Kutah Buluh, à 20 km de Kutah Buluh – wild camp on a ciment platform used for drying grain on the road between Brastagi and Kutah Buluh, at 20 km from Kutah Buluh. N: 03°04.431’ E: 098°13.864’
Ketambe: Wisma Cinta Alam Guest House ($), parc Gunung Leuser – tel: +62(0)852-7086-4580; N: 03°40.767’ E: 097°39.359’
Tele-Pangururam: Bivouac libre à mi-chemin de la descente sur petit promontoire venteux – wild camp in the middle of the hill down, on a small windy flat. N: 02°33.846’ E: 098°38.156’
Lake Toba (tuk tuk): Tabo Cottages ($), North Sumatra – or tel: +62-625-451318, cell: +62-813-7574-8172.
Sipirok: Bivouac libre, bord de route, 13 km avant Sipirok - wild camp, side of the road, 13 km before Sipirok. N: 01°39.068’ E: 099°10.823’
Bonjol: Bivouac libre dans le parking du musée de l’Équateur – wild camp in the parking of the Equator museum. N: 00°00.110’ E: 100°13.223’
Muara Bungo: Bivouac libre sur la 3A (Trans Sumatra) à 10 – 12 km au sud de Muara Bunga dans un champ sur le bord de la route - wild camp on Trans Sumatra Rd 3A, at 10 -12 km south of Muara Bungo in a field on the side of the road. S: 01°38.794’ E: 102°08.322’
Tanjungenim (south of Muaraenim): Bivouac libre, propriété privée (perm), + ou – 5 km au sud de Tanjungening – wild camp on a private property (perm), + or – 5 km south of Tanjungening. S: 03°46.937’ E: 103°47.802’
Bandar Lampung: Bivouac libre dans un petit boisé en face d’une école (Negeri #5)sur la route de Bakauheni (traversier pour Java), à peu près 10 km de Bandar Lampung – wild camp in a cleared forest in front of a school (Negeri #5) on the road to Bakauheni (ferry for Java), around 10 km East of Bandar Lampung. S: 05°22.787’ E: 105°17.060’
Lembang (Java): cratère du Mont Telegabodas; bivouac libre sur le bord du chemin, juste à l’entrée du parc pour le cratère – wild camp on the side of the road right at the entrance of the parc of the Mount Telegabodas caldera. S: 06°46.451’ E: 107°38.155’
Lumbir: (entre Lumbir et Karangpucung): Bivouac libre, bord de route (km 53 – 56 -57 selon les villes)-bruyant – wild camping, side of the road (km 53 – 56 – 57 according to the towns) noisy. S: 07°25.731’ E: 108°55.532’
Borobodur: Parking ($) site du temple Borobodur – parking Borobodur site temple. S: 07°36.355’ E: 110°12.560’
Yogyakarta: The Phoenix Hotel ($), Jalan Jederai Sudimen 9: Tel: +62 – 274-56-6617. S: 07°47.600 E: 110°22.012’
Sarangat: Bivouac libre, bord de route, quelques km avant le sommet de la passé – wild camp, a few km before the top of the pass. S: 07°39.747 E: 111°12.656’
Mont Bromo: Bivouac libre dans le parking du mont Penanjaku (vue magnifique du cratère et place de choix pour le lever du soleil) - wild camp in the parking of Mount Penanjaku (great view of the caldera great place for sunrise). (alt:2750m) S: 07°54.196’ E:112°57.137’
Ijen Plateau: Bivouac libre près d’une chute, 2 km avant le parking du poste Los Paltutinas – wild camp near a fall, 2 km before the parking of the Los Palutinas post. (alt: 1767) S: 08°03.758’ E: 114°12.932
Pulaki: (Bali) – Bivouac libre 500 – 600 m après le temple Agung Pulaki, sur le bord de la mer, devant une maison militaire - wild camp, 500 – 600 m after the Agung Pulaki temple, on the side of the ocean in front a military house. S: 08°08.678’ E: 114°41.001’
Candidasa: (Bali) – Amarta Beach Inn Bungalows ($), Sengkidu, Candidasa, Karangasem: tel: +62-363-41230. S: 08°30.286’ E: 115°33.081’
Tenglading: (Bali) -1 km de la jonction pour Padang Bai ferry – petite route qui mène vers Odyssey Diving, Parking ($) à100 m de la plage – at 1 km from the junction to PadangBai ferry, small side road leading towards Odyssey Diving – parking ($) at 100 m from the beach. S:08°31.086’ E: 115°30.406’
Sebatu: (Bali) - Bivouac libre, propriété privée (perm), 1 km après la jonction pour Gunung Kawi - wild camp, private property (perm), 1 km after the junction to Gunung Kawi. S: 08°23.576’ E: 115°17.632’
Lembar: (Lombok) – grand parking vide en ciment au sortir du ferry, 100 m après le poste – huge empty ciment parking when coming out of the ferry, 100 m after the registration post. S: 08°43.597’ E: 116°04.587’
Nusa Bunga beach: (Lombok): parking ($) sous les cocotiers, 1 km au nord du Sheraton Resort – parking ($) under the coco trees, 1 km north of Sheraton resort. S: 08°27.976’ E: 116°02.245’
Malimbu beach: (Lombok): Parking ($) de la plage, 8.5 km au nord du Sheraton Resort – beach parking ($), 8.5 km north of Sheraton resort. S: 08°26.547 E: 116°02.284’
Utan-Pato Pedu: (Sumbawa): Bivouac libre dans un champ, 100 m de la route – wild camp in a field, 100 m from the main rd. S:08°26.843’ E:117°19.876’
Dompu: (Sumbawa): Bivouac libre dans la cour d’un Moulin a grain (Riz) - wild camp in the backyard of a grain (rice) mill. S: 08°31.566’ E: 118°28.515’
Sape: (Sumbawa): Bivouac libre, parking port de Sape – wild camp, parking of Sape harbour. S: 08°34.340’ E: 119°01.240’
Labuhan Bajo: (Flores): Ecolodge Hotel ($) S: 08°31.369’ E: 119°52.295’

Dili: En attendant toutes les procedures administratives pour leshipping et le nettoyage du véhicule, nous avons pris racines au: Ocean View Hotel Beach and Restaurant – Le proprio, Danny Lee est très bien de même que sa femme Elli. L’endroit est simple, tranquille, propre avec une excellente vue de la mer – while waiting to clear up all the administratives procedures for the shipping and the cleaning of our truc, we stay at the Ocean View Hotel Beach and Restaurant – the owner, Danny Lee is very helpful so is his wife – manager Elli. The place is simple, quiet, clean all this with an excellent view of the ocean. S: 08°32.373’ E: 125°32.191’

AUSTRALIA - 08/2011 à 08/2012
N.B. En Australie, il est interdit de faire du bivouac libre dans un rayon de 20 km de la ville – In Australia, it is forbidden to free camp within a 20 km radius from the center of the town.
Classement par Etats
Northern Territory
Darwin: En attendant de régler les procédures administratives (douanes, quarantaine, MVR…), nous avons utilisé le Elke’s Backpackers, 112 Mitchell street – rien d’extraordinaire – while waiting to clear up all the administratives procedures (Customs, quarantine, MVR…) we stayed at Elke’s Backpacker, 112 Mitchell – nothing special at that place.
Darwin: Aurora Shady Glen Tourist Park ($), 6 km du Centre-ville. S: 12°25.718 E: 130°54.000’
: Manton River Rest Area, 65 km au Sud (South of) de Darwin. S: 12°50.245’ E: 131°08.060’
Litchfield Nat Parc: Florence Creek Fall campground ($). S: 13°06.028’ E: 130°47.113’
Litchfield NP: Banyan Tree Resort ($), juste avant l’entrée du Parc - just before the park entrance. S: 13°01.656’ E: 130°58.472’
Kakadu Nat Parc: Muirella parc camping ($), près de (near Nourlangie Rock). S: 12°51.255’ E: 132°45.246’
Kakadu Nat Parc: Mardugal Parc campground ($), 2km au sud de la jonction Cooinda – 2km S of Cooinda turn off. S: 12°55.974’ E: 132°32.325’
Kakadu Nat Parc: Koolpin Gorge camping (besoin d’un permis) ($) – need a permit. S: 13°29.921’ E: 132°34.549’
Kakadu NP: Garnamarr camping ($), Jm Jim Falls. S: 13°13.019’ S: 132°49.004’
Kakadu NP: Ubir – Merl Campground ($). S: E:
Kakadu NP: Two Mile Hole Campground, 12 km from Arnhem Road. S: 12°41.534’ E: 132°09.145’
Katherine: Nitmiluk Nat Parc – Edith’s Falls Camping ($), 42 km Nord de Katherine et 19 km vers le parc à la jonction – 42 km N of Katherine plus 19 km at the turn off. S: 14°10.804’ E: 132°11.264’
Katherine: Nitmiluk Nat parc – Nitmiluk Gorge camping ($), 29 km Nord Est de Katherine par la Gorge Road (asphaltée) – 29 km N E of Katherine by the Gorge Road (sealed). S: 14°19.079’ E: 132°25.242’
Katherine: Springvale Homestead ($), 7 km au Sud de (S of) Katherine. S: 14°30.106’ E: 132°13.642’
Vince Connely Crossing: Limestone Creek Rest Area, 57 km au Sud Ouest de (SW of Katherine). S: 14°49.700’ E: 131°55.000’
Timber Creek: Caravan park derrière le Motel ($) – caravan park behind the Motel. S: 15°39.655’ E: 130°28.893’
Keep River Nat Parc: Jarnenu Campground ($), 32 km de l’entrée du parc et de la route principale – 32 km from the entrance and the main road. S: 15°45.763’ E: 129°05.956’
Mataranka: Mataranka cabins and camping ($), Bitter Springs, Elsey NP. E: 14°54.683’ E: 133°05.102’
Mary River Crossing: Bark Hut RoadHouse ($). S: 12°53.952’ E: 131°40.520’
Adelaide River: Bridge creek, 33 km au Sud de Adelaide River ou 24 km au Nord de Hayes Creek – Bridge Creek, 33 km S of Adelaide River, or 24 km N of Hayes Creek. S: 13°26.214’ E: 131°18.757’
Top Springs: Bord de route, Buntine Hwy, 53 km au Nord de Top Springs - Side of the road, Buntine Hwy, 53 Km N of Top Springs. S: 16°08.655 E: 131°58.920’
NewCastle Waters: NewCastle Waters Rest Area, 25 N of Elliot” S: 17°22.543’ E: 133°26.374’
Tenant Creek: Outback Caravan Parc ($). S: 19°38.737’ E: 134°11.983’
Wauchope: Devils Marbles Conservation Area – Parking du site. S: 20°34.026’ E: 134°15.867’
Davenport Range NP: Old Police Station campground. S: 20°45.210’ E: 135°11.157’
Sandover Hwy: à la jonction avec Itjura, 28 km à l’ouest de Amaroo – at the Itjura Junction, 28 km W of Amaroo. S: 21°51.487’ E: 134°59.293’
Alice Springs: HeaviTree Gap^Outback park ($). S: 23°43.752’ E: 133°51.994’
Alice Springs: G’Day Mate Caravan Park ($). S: 23°44.035’ E: 133°52.051’
Chambers Pillard: 150 km S of Alice Springs, Simpson Desert. S: 24°52.340’ E: 133°49.684’
Point Lambert, central point of Australia, Parking du site. S: 25°36.558’ E:134°21.709’
East MadDonnell Range: Trephina Gorge campsite ($). S: 23°31.299’ E: 134°23.736’
East MacDonnell Range: N’Dhala Gorge Nature Park ($), parking du site. S: 23°38.345’ E: 134°27.797’
West MacDonnell Range: Finke River 2 Mile Pond. S:23°40.108’ E: 132°40.226’
West MacDonnell Range: Red Bank Gorge, Ridge Top Camping ($). S: 23°34.981’ E: 132°30.905’
Kinke NP: Palm Valley campground ($), 20 km from Hammonsburg. S: 24°03.437’ E: 132°44.756’
Kings Canyon NP: Rest area sur la route vers Hammonsburg, 27 km au Nord de Kings Canyon Resort – rest area on the road towards Hammonsburg, 27 km N of Kings Canyon Resort. S: 24°03.665’ E: 131°24.504’
Uluru - Kata Tjuta NP: Bush camping on Lasseter Hwy, 12 – 13 km West of Kata Tjuta NP. S: 25°14.700’ E: 130°35.986’
Uluru - Kata Tjuta NP: Bivouac libre, bord de route, 15 – 16 km Est of Yulara, sur le Lasseter Hwy. S: 25°12.886’ E: 131°06.920’

Western Australia

Lake Argyle
: Lake Argyle tourist village ($), 34 km de la route principale – 34 km from the main road turn off. S: 16°06.733’ E: 128°44.458’
Kunnunurra: Hidden Valley Tourist Parc ($), 1 km du centre ville - 1 km from centere town. S: 15°49.936’ E: 128°44.773’
Spring Creek Rest Area: 56 km Sud Ouest de Turkey Creek (Kunmun), à la jonction avec le chemin qui mène au Parc Nat Purnululu – 56 km SW of Turkey Creek, at the turn off to the Purnululu road. S: 17°25.974’ E: 127°59.325’
Purnululu Nat Parc: Bungle Bungle Range, 53 km de la route principale,sur une piste 4x4: Kurrajong camping ($), 7 km au nord du visitor center – 53 km from the main road on a rough 4x4 dirt road – Kurrajong campground ($), 7 km N of the visiter center. S: 17°23.137’ E: 128°19.920’
Fitzroy Crossing: Inn Crossing campground ($). S: 18°11.431 E: 125°34.523’
Winjana Nat Parc: Camping du Parc ($), 151 km au Nord Ouest de Fitzroy Crossing – campground of the Parc, 151 km NW of Fitzroy Crossing. S: 17°24.881’ E: 124°56.625’
Bell Gorge - Gibb River Road: Silent Grove Camping ($) dans King Leopold Ranges Conservation Area, 20 km au nord de la Gibb River Road, 8 km de Imintji – Silent Grove Campground ($) in King Leopold Ranges Conservation Area, 20 km N of the Gibb Road Turn off, 8 km from Imintji Road House. S: 17°04.006’ E: 125°14.883’
Broome: Bivouac libre – prendre Port Road, entrer dans le parc industriel par la rue Archer, tourner à gauche sur McDaniel Road, aller au bout du chemin asphalté, faire 100 m, prendre un espace à droite – Bush camping = take Port Rd, enter industrial parc at Archer St, turn left on McDaniel Rd, go up to the end of the sealed rd, go for 100 m et take a spot on the right. S: 17°59.474’ E: 122°12.043’
Dampier Peninsula - Ardyaloon (one Arm Point): Gambanan camping ($), 3 à 5 km au Sud de Ardyalon, sur le bord de la mer, à 1,5 km de la route principale - Gambanam camping ($), 3 to 5 km South of Ardyalon, 1,5 km from the main road, on the ocean. S: 16°25.200’ E: 123°01.930’
Dampier Peninsula: Middle Lagoon camping, 33 km de la route principale sur une piste mauvaise - Middle lagoon camping, 33 km from the main raod, on a bad sandy track. S: 16°46.363’ E: 122°34.389’
Cape Keraudren ($): 11 km au Nord-Ouest de Pardoo Roadhouse sur la route #1 - 11 km NW of Pardoo Roadhouse on Hwy 1. S: 19°57.939’ E: 119°46.919’
Bea Bea Creek Rest Area: 42 km au Nord de Auski Roadhouse ou 177 km au Sud de la jonction avec la route 1 - 42 km N of Auski Roadhouse or 177 km S of Hwy 1 Junction. S: 22°00.530’ E: 118°48.901’
Karijini Nat. Parc: Karijini Ecoresort camp, ($) 35 km Ouest (West) du (of) Karijini Visitorcenter. S: 22°23.312’ E: 118°15.593’
Tom Price: RIP Lookout, 19 km au nord-est de Tom Price (tourner au panneau “photo” - RIP Lookout, 19 km NE of Tom Price (turn at the “photo” sign). S: 22°40.636’ E: 117°53.754’
Mount Florance, route 95: sur le bord de la route, 167 km de Tom Price par la route publique, à peu près 30 km de Mount Florance et 16,5 km de la voie ferrée et de la route privée, direction Millstream Chichester Nat. Parc - Mount Florance, Hwy 95, on the side of the road, 167 km from Tom Price by the public road, around 30 km from Mount Florance and 16,5 km from the train tracks and the private road, direction Millstream Chichester Nat. parc. S: 21°38.284’ E: 117°36.505’
Millstream-Chichester Nat. Parc: Crossing Pool Camping ($), 220 km de (from) TomPrice. S: 21°34.668’ E: 117°05.237’
Dampier-Burrup Peninsula: Whitnell Bay (4X4), 1 km après la fin de la route asphaltée, près d’une rampe de mise à l’eau en sable - 1 km after the sealed road near a sandy boat ramp. S: 20°35.085’ E: 116°47.370’
Yannari River: Barradule Rest Area, sur le route #1, 70 km au Sud-Ouest de Nanutarra RoadHouse - Barradule Rest Area on Hwy 1, 70 km SW of Nanutarra RoadHouse. S: 22°51.763’ E: 114°57.204’
Cape Range Nat. Parc (Ningaloo Marine Parc):: LightHouse Caravan Parc ($), 20 km avant l’entrée du Parc – 20 km before the parc entrance. S: 21.48°547’ E: 114°06.960’
Cape Range Nat parc: (Ningaloo Marine Parc): Pilgrammuna camping ($), 30 km au sud de l’entrée du parc – 30 km S of parc entrance. S: 22°11.654’ E: 113°51.391’
Ningaloo Station (Ningaloo Marine Parc):: South Lefroy camping ($), par la piste entre Yardie Creek et Ningaloo Homestead, 15 km au nord du Homestead (prendre la clé contre depôt au Homestead) - South Lefroy camping, between Yardie Creek and Ningaloo Homestead, 15 km N of the homestead – take the key (deposit) at the homestead. S: 22°33.055’ E: 113°39.858’
Carnarvon: Carnarvon Caravan Parc ($). S: 24°51.911’ E: 113°41.320’
Coral Bay (Ningaloo Marine Parc):: BayView Camping ($) S: 23°08.542’ E: 113°46.474’
Warroora Station (Ningaloo Marine Parc):: 14 Mile Beach ($) – tourner à l’Ouest, 75 km au Nord de Minilya RoadHouse ou 28 km au Sud de Coral Bay, faire 5 km sur une bonne piste, puis 6 km pour la plage (dégonfler pour camping sur la plage, sinon, pas nécessaire) - 14 Mile Beach ($), turn on a good gravel road, 75 km N of Minilya RoadHouse or 28 km S of Coral Bay. Then drive 6 km to the beach (put tyres down for camping on the beach, otherwise not necessary). S: 23°16.735’ E: 113°47.310’
Quobba Station (Ningaloo Marine Parc): Camping au Homestead ($), 82 km au Nord de Carnarvon, 10 km au Nord après l’asphalte et le ‘blowHoles’ sur une bonne route de gravelle – Camping at the Homestead ($), 82 km N of Carnarvon, 10 km N at the end of the asphalt road ant the blowholes, on a good dirt road. S: 24°23.631’ E: 113°24.265’
Quobba Station (Ningaloo Marine Parc): Red Bluff camping ($), 60 km au Nord de Quobba Homestead - 60 km N of Quobba Homestead. S: 24°01.665’ E: 113°27.099’
Gnaraloo Station (Ningaloo Marine Parc): Three mile lagoon campsite ($), 23 km au Nord de Quobba Station Red Bluff Camping - Three mile lagoon camping ($), 23 km N of Quobba station Red Bluff camping. S: 23°52.452’ E: 113°29.814’
Denham - Monkey Mia: Eagle Bluff Camping, 23 km au Sud de Denham, Presque sur la plage – Eagle Bluff camping, 23 km S of Denham, almost on the beach. S: 26°04.533’ E: 113°34.902’ OU/OR au bout de la pointe près du Boardwalk area - or at the end of the point near the Boardwalk area. S: 26°05.699’ E: 113°34.846’
Denham - Monkey Mia - François Perron Nat Parc: Gregory camping ($), 4x4 nécessaire – Gregory camping ($), 4x4 a must. S: 25°33.442’ E: 113°28.595’
Galena Bridge Rest Area: 13 km au Nord de la jonction pour Kalbarri - 13 km N of the Kalbarri Junction. S: 27°49.640’ E: 114°41.497’
Kalbarri: Murchison Caravan Parc ($) au centre-ville - right downtown. S: 27°42.484’ E: 114°10.104’
Northampton: genre de petite carrière sur le bord de la Point Gregory Road, 15 km à l’Ouest de Northampton - kind of a small quarry on the side of the Point Gregory Road, 15 km W of Northampton. S: 28°17.985’ E: 114°30.630’
Geraldton: Belair Gardens Caravan Parc ($), 463 Marine Terrace. S: 28°46.827’ E: 114°35.023’
Leeman: Cliff Head North, 51 km au Nord de Leeman, sur le bord de la mer - Cliff Head North, 51 km N of Leeman, on the side of the ocean. S: 29°31.040’ E: 114°59.755’
Juraian Bay: Sandy Cape Recreation Area ($), 12 km au Nord de Jurian Bay - 12 km N of Jurian Bay. S: 30°11.054’ E: 114°59.862’
Guilderton: Moore River Bridge Rest Area, 2 km au Sud de la jonction pour Guilderton - 2 km S of the Guilderton turnoff. S: 31°18.222’ E: 115°33.318’ OU/OR Wilbinga Grove Rest area, 12 km au Sud de la jonction pour Guilderton - 2 km S of the Guilderton turnoff. S: 31°22.378’ E: 115°37”226’
Fremantel (Munster): Woodman Point Holiday Park ($), 132 Cockburn Rd, 12 km au Sud de Fremantle – 12 km S of Fremantle. S: 32°07.698’ E: 115°46.009’
Mandurah: Yalgorup NP – Throbolites sites sur/on Mt. John Road. S: 32°44.682’ E: 115°39.351’
Dunsborough: Dunsborough Lakes Caravan Parc ($) S: 33°37.933’ E: 115°07.415’
Margaret River: River View Tourist Park ($) S: 33°57.051’ E: 115°05.072
Augusta: Jack French Parc, 1.6 km du Caltex dans le centre de Augusta sur la route pour Cape Leewin, sur le côté droit – Jack French Parc, 1.6 km from the Caltex Station in Augusta center town, on the road to Cape Leewin, on the right side. S: 34°19.707’ E: 115°09.766’
Pinjarra: À côté du Centre des Visiteurs – right beside de Visitor Center S: 32°37.783 E: 115°52.761’
Perth: Perth Central Caravan Parc ($), 34 Central ave., Tel: 08 9277 1704, près de (near) l’aéroport. S: 31°55.719’ S: 115°56.498’
Collie: Wellington NP – Honeymoon Campground ($) – 28 km W of Collie, via Coalfields Rd. S: 33°22.828 E: 115°56.321’
Pemberton: D’entrecasteauxNP, Yeagarrup Lake Camping ($). S: 34°32.302’ E: 115°52.490’
Shannon: Shannon NP Campsite ($), 67 km N de Walpole ou/or 53 km S of Manjinup. S: 34°35.757’ E: 116°24.656’
Walpole: Parking visitor center. S: 34°58.534’ E: 116°43.922
Denmark: Parry Beach Camping ($), 28 km W de/of Denmark ou/or 43 km E de/of Walpole on Parry Road. S: 35°02414 E: 117°09.435’
Albany: King River Palms Caravan Parc ($), 10 km N de/of Albany sur/on Chester Pass Rd (795). S: 34°56.332’ E: 117°54.177’
Stirling Range NP: Moingup Spring Cpgr ($), 76 km N de/of Albany, sur ChesterPass Rd. S: 34°24.068’ E: 118°06.144’
Stirling Range NP: Mt Trio Bushcamp ($)2 km W de la jonctionof Formby South Rd et Salt River Rd. S: 34°18.934’ E: 118°03.727’
Bremer Bay: près de Henry Point, petit chemin à droite, 250 m avant la route en asphalte. À partir du General Store dans Bremer Bay, conduire 0,6 km, prendre Wellstead Rd (aussi appelé Pointe Henry Drive Trail) pour 2,7 km. À Bremer Bay Tourist resort Caravan park, tourner à gch pour 2.7 km – à la jonction avec Short Beach Rd et Fisheries Beach Rd sign, tourner à gch pour 2,8 km. À Black Rock Rd (Toorelburrus Hill Scenic lookout), tourner à dr pour 2.5 km. Conduire jusqu’au bout du chemin (cercle), revenir sur vos pas pour 250 m, prendre le petit chemin de gravel à gch, conduire pour 1 km. Descendre la colline et se diriger vers les dunes de sable – à la fourche, ne pas prendre la piste de droite, mais celle de gauche et faire 200 m = endroit parfait pour qques nuits. - near de Henry Point, small rd on the right, 250 m before the end of the asphalt rd. From the general store in Bremer bay, drive out 0,6 km. Take the wellstead Rd (also called Pte Henry Drive trail) for 2,7 km. At Bremer Bay Tourist Resort Caravan Park, turn left for 2.8 km. At Black rocks rd, (Toorelburrus Hill scenic lookout), turn right for 2,5 km. Drive up to the end of the asphalt rd (circle) then backtrack for 250 m and turn left on the small gravel rd for 1 km.. Go down the hill (steep) and just before the sand dune at the fork, take the left trail for 200 m and just camp in a wonderful place. S: 34°26.736’ E: 119°20.739’
Hopetoune: scenic lookout, 10 km East from the IGA, sur la Southern Ocean East Road, 300 m after the 5 mile beach sign. S: 33°55.912’ E: 120°14.083’
Hyden: Près de “the Humps”, 18 km Nord de Hyden sur Lovering Rd (route vers Southern Cross), derrière 2 réservoirs jaune d’eau - Near the “Humps”, 18 km N of Hyden (on the Rd to Southern Cross), behind 2 yellow water thanks. S:32°19.555’ E: 118°56.794’
Kalgorlie-Boulder: Prospector Holiday Park ($), dans – in – Kalgorlie. S: 30°45.907’ E: 121°27.223’
Kalgorlie-Boulder: Centenial Park, près du centre ville – near center town. S: 30°45.760’ E: 121°27.497’
Menzies: Lac Ballard, 50 km à l’ouest de Menzies au site des sculptures – Lake Ballard, 50 km W of Menzies at the site of the sculptures. S: 29°26.937’ E: 120°36.233’
Esperance: Bathers Paradise Caravan park ($). S: 33°50.166’ E: 121°54.849’
Cape Arid Nat P: Thomas River campsite ($). S: 33°51.272’ E: 123°00.751’
Caiguna (in Nullarbor): grand espace libre, bord de la rte 1, 10 km à l’Est de de Caiguna – large empty space by the #1 Rd, 10 km E of Caiguna. S: 32°13.768’ E: 125°34.761’

South Australia
Nullarbor Roadhouse: Grand parking, au km 121 de la frontière avec le Western Australia – large parking at the 121 km from the WA border. S: 31°38.870’ E: 130°14.092’
Ceduna SA; Ceduna Foreshore Caravan Park ($). S: 32°07.687’ E: 133°40.420’
MurphysHaystack: dans le parking, 10 km à l’Est de de Colca, 2 km de la route B100 sur Benbarber Rd – in the parkin, 10 km E of Colca, 2 km off Rd B100, on Benbarber Rd. S: 33°01.010’ E: 134°29.483’
Port Lincoln: Billy’s LightPoint parking. S: 34°44.746’ E: 135°53.464’
Port Lincoln: Port Lincoln Tourist Park ($). S: 34°43.763’ E: 135°53.065’
Port Lincoln: Lincoln Nat Parc, September beach camping ($), 28 km au Nord-Est de l’entrée du Parc - 28 m NE of Parc entrance. S: 34°43.991’ E:135°59.737’
Port Augusta: Port Augusta Motorhome parc ($), on Power station Rd, 4 km East of Port Augusta” S: 32°30.691’ E: 137°47.140’
Port Augusta: North Tent Hill Rest Area, 34 km NW of Port Augusta, on Stuart Hwy. S:32°14.524’ E: 137°32.827’
Wilpena: Flinders Ranges Nat.Parc, Wilpena Pound Campground($) at Wilpena Resort” S: 31°31.492’ E: 138°36.397’
Vulkathunba-Gammn Ranges NP: Grindells Hut campground, 17 km from main road. S: 30°28.483’ E: 139°12.715’
Leigh Creek: Leigh Creek junction rest area. S: 30°35.751’ E: 138°24.250’
Mount Remarkable NP: Mambray Creek Camping area, 46 km Sud de Port Augusta or 21 km N de Port Germein. S: 32°50.400’ E: 138°02.316’
Innes NP: Stenhouse Bay campground ($), 6 km S of Marion Bay. S: 35°16.415’ E: 136°56.540
Adelaide: Adelaide caravan parc($), 20 min de marche du centre-ville – 20 min walk to center town. S: 34°54.483’ E: 138°36.875’
Kangourou Island - Penneshaw: Kangourou Island Shores Caravan Park ($). S: 35°43.215’ E: 137°56.448’
Kangourou Island: Western Kangourou Island Caravan Park ($). S: 35°57.605’ E: 136°48.619’
Kangourou Island NP: Westbay Camping ($). S: 35°53.360’ E: 136°33.167’
Kangourou Island-Leshmar Conservation Park: Antichamber camping, 18 km de Penneshaw sur la route du Cap Willoughby Lighthouse – Antichamber camping, 18 km from penneshaw on the road to Cape Willoughby Lighthouse. S: 35°46.978’ E: 138°04.000’
Langhorne Creek: Frank Potts Reserve Rest Area, 1 km à l’Est de Langhorne creek, sur la B45, Fleurien Way - 1 km E of Langhorne Creek, on Rd B45, Fleurien Way. S: 35°17.967’ E: 139°02.552’
Robe: Little Dip Conservation Parc, Old Man Lake Campgrpound ($). S: 37°15.653’ E: 139°49.296’
Millicent: Canunda NP – Geltwood Beachcamping ($). S: 37°39.461’ E: 140°13.519’
Naracoorte: Naracoorte Caves NP- Wirreanda Campground ($). S:37°02.567’ E: 140°48.124’
Naracoorte: Bull Lagoon Game Reserve, 17 km S de Naracoorte($). S: 37°06.247’ E: 140°43.122’
Marla: Marla South Rest area, 35 km Sud de Marla. S: 27°33.331’ E: 133°49.152’
Coober Pedi: Opal Inn caravan park, right downtown, en face de l’info. S: 29°00.890’ E: 134°45.202’
Waikerie: Maize Island Lagoon Conservation Park. S: 34°09.502’ E: 140°00.966’

Halls gap: Halls gap caravan Parc, en plein centre-ville - right downtown. S: 37°08.465’ E: 142°31.046’
Halls Gap: The Grampians NP – Stapylton campground, North Grampians, 33 km S-E de Horsham. S: 36°55.431’ E: 142°22.933’
MacArthur: Mt Eccles NP – Lake Surprise Cpgrd, 10 km SW de MacArthur. S: 38°03.408’ E: 141°55.415’
Horden Vale: Great Otway NP – Aire East Cpgrd, 24 km SE de Lavers Hill on to Orden Vale Rd – camping à 4.5 km de la junction - from the turn off. S: 38°48.023’ E: 143°28.930’
Kenneth River: Kenneth River Caravan Parc ($) S: 38°40.156’ E: 143°51.736’
Lorne: Deans Marsh Hilltop cpgrd, 12 km N de Lorne in Great Otway NP. S: 38°28.508’ E: 143°55.948’
St Leonards: au caravan parc, pas celui du bord de mer, l’autre juste en arrière – at the caravan parc, not the one by the sea, the one right on the back of it. S:38°10.682’ E: 144°42.846’
Melbourne: Ashley Gardens Caravan parc ($), 129 Ashley Rd. S: 37°47.066’ E: 144°51.848’
Foster: Foster North Scenic Lookout, 6 km à l’ouest de Foster - 6 km W of Foster. S: 38°37.294’ E: 146´10.123’
Paradise Beach Campground: 2.5 km N of Golden Beach on Shoreline drive. S: 38°11.615’ E: 147°25363’
Mont Birregun: Helipad, on Birregun Rd. (alt: 1,374 m) S: 37°16.986’ E: 147°19.341’
Mount Beauty: Mount Beauty Holiday Center ($). S: 36°44.167’ E: 147°09.678’
Omeo: Jokers Flat campground, 38 km N of Omeo, on Omeo Hwy. S: 36°56.590’ E: 147°28.431’
McKillups Bridge camping: 1 km avant (ou après) le pont – 1km before (or after) the bridge. S: 37°05.429’ E 148°24.813’
Orbost: Snowy River Rest area, 6 km S de Orbost. S: 37°45.312’ E: 148°31.536’
Cann River: Caravan parc($), au pont - at the bridge. S: 37°34.029’ E: 149°08.783’
Genoa: Rest area, 1 km N de Genoa, avant le pont - before the bridge. S:37°28.300’ E: 149°35.392’
Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair NP:
Cradle Mountain Discovery Tourist Parc ($), Presque en face (diagonal) du Visitor Center - almost in front (diagonal) from the Visitor Centre. S: 41°34.692’ E: 145°56.107
Gunns Plains: Wings Wildlife Park Camping($) – 2 km NW de Gunns Plains. S: 41°15.858’ E: 146°02.710’
Wynyard: Table Cape Lookout parking. S: 40°57.177’ E: 145°43.875’
Stanley: bord de mer près de “the Nut”, 1 km à l’ouest du village - foreshore by the Nut 1 km W of Stanley. S: 40°45.250’ E: 145°17.653’
Marawah: Green Point Camping area (A2 Bass Hwy). S: 40°54.599’ E: 144°40.795’
Strahan: Terrain de golf ($) – golf course($). S: 42°08.770’ E: 145°18.990’
RoseBery-Zahan: Enthy River, côté sud du pont – south side of bridge. S: 41°59.637’ E: 145°28.321’
Dorwent Bridge: Rampe de mise à l’eau pour le lac King William – boat ramp for King WQilliam Lake. S: 42°08.795’ E: 146°13.090’
Tarraleah: Bradys Lake camping, au bord du lac, 17 km au Nord de Tarraleah – by the lake, 17 km N of Tarraleah. S: 42°14.050’ E: 146°29.710’
Westerway: Mt Field NP – Land of the Giants cpgrd ($), 7.6 km à l’ouest de Westway sur la route du Lac Dobson – 7.6 km W of Westerway on Lake Dobson Rd. S: 42°41.072’ E: 146°42.955’
Hobart: Treasure Island Caravan Parc, 1 Alcorso Drive, Berriedale, 8 km au Nord du centre de Hobart sur la route Brooker – 8 km N of Hobart Center off Brooker Rd. S: 42°48.567’ E: 147°15.386’
Cockle Creek NP: Baltons Green Cpgrd, à la fin du chemin, 20 km au Sud de Lune River – at the end of the road, 20 km S of Lune River. S: 43°34.963’ E: 146°53.701’
Hartz Mountain NP: Parking à la fin de la route Hartz Mt Peak Rd, 25 km à l’Ouest de Geeveston – parking at the en of Hartz Mt Peak Rd, 25 km W of geeveston. S: 41°13.041’ E: 146°46.239’
South Bruny NP: Jetty Beach Camp Area, 17 Km SW of Lunawanna. S: 43°27.599’ E: 147°09.207’
EagleHawk Neck: Tasman NP, parking de Tasman Arch. S: 43°02.512’ E: 147°57.030’
Mayfield Bay Conservation Area: près de Swansea, sur la plage – near Swansea, by the beach. S: 42°14.323’ E: 148°00.807’
Bicheno: East Coast Holiday Park ($), en plein centre ville - right downtown. S:41°52.528’ E: 148°18.123’
Beaumaris: Scamander conservation area – Shelly point. S: 41°26.076’ E: 148°16.603’
Ansons Bay: Bay of Fires Conservation Area, Policeman point campground. S: 41°03.789’ E: 148°17.673’
Targa: Myrtle park Recreation Ground ($) sur A3 Hwy, 30 km S de Scottsdale. S: 41°18.633’ E: 147°21.850’
Narawntapu NP: Bakeres Point camping area, 4.5 km de l’entrée du parc et du centre des visiteurs - 4.5 km from park entrance and visitor centre. S: 41°09.762’ E: 146°34.095’
Walls of Jerusalem NP: Track parking. S: 41°46.560’ E: 146°14.073’
Lake Rowallen near Walls of Jerusalem): deuxième rampe de mise à l’eau, 600 m au sud du barrage et 41 km au sud-ouest de Mole Creek – 2nd boat ramp, 600 m S of the dam, 41 km SW of Mole Creek. S: 41°44.284’ E: 146°13.214’
Sheffield: Parc d’exposition - showground (RV Friendly), 1 km E du centre-ville – 1 km E of town center. S: 41°22.955’ E: 146°20.173’
East Devonport: Abel Tasman caravan parc ($), 2 min S of ferry terminal. S: 41°10.360’ E: 146°22.310’

New South Wales
Bombala: Caravan parc ($)” S: 36°54.503’ E: 149°14.380’
Kosciuzko NP: Island Bend campground. Alt = 1,182 m. S: 36°19.198’ E: 148°28.056’
Kosciuzko NP: Blue Waterholes campground. Alt = 1,205 m. S: 35°37.382’ E: 148°40.985’
Dena NP: Bighole campground. S: 35°42.503’ E: 149°38.755’
Narooma: Big 4 Narooma Easts Holiday Park ($), au pont – at the bridge. S: 36°12.912’ E; 150°07.631’
Mimosa NP: Tethra-Bermagui Road, Gillards Beach cpgrd ($). 13 km N of Tethra. S: 36°39.546’ E: 150°00.148’
Braidwood: Monga NP, Dasyurus Picnic area, 18 km SE de Braidwood, Kings Hwy, 3 km de la jonction (very bad) S: 35°33.635’ E: 149°55.313’
Sydney: Sheralee Caravan Park ($), 13 km S de Sydney Center. S: 33°57.182’ E: 151°09.033’
Canberra: Canberra Motor Village ($). S: 35°15.391’ E: 149°06”409’
Hampton: Parking du début d’un sentier de marche,, 500 m de la frontière Nord du Kenandra NP, au Sud de JHampton sur la route de Jeralan Caves - Parking of a walking trail, 500 m from the Northern border of Kenandra NP, South of Hampton on the Jeralan Caves Hwy. Alt: 1212 m S: 33°45.916’ E: 159°01772’
Hartley: Parking du cimetière – parking of the cemetery – Great Western Hwy. S: 3333.436’ E: 150°11.646’
Mount Victoria: Summit of Mount Piddington, 1.2 km from the junction with The Great Western Hwy: alt: 1102m S: 33°35.975’ E: 150°15.465’
Singleton: Rex’s Rest Area, 7 km N of Singleton. S: 32°31.425 E: 151°07.992’
Coonabarabran: Getaway tourist parc ($). S: 31°17.406’ E: 149°17.354’
Coonabarabran: Warrumbungle NP, 35 km de Coonabarabran, Blackman camping ($). S: 31°16.662’ E: 148°59.913’
Narrabri-Coonabarabran: Timallalie NP (The Pilliga Forest, camping, site of the “Sculptures in the Scrub”, 20 km + 11 km from de Newell Hwy. S: 30°59.869’ E: 149°13.997’
Narrabri: Mount Kaputar NP, Dawsons Creek campground ($), 45 km de Narrabri – alt: 1,440 m. S: 30°16.852’ E: 150°09.859’
Bingarra: sur le bord de la rivière Gwydir, 7 km de Bingarra – By the Gwydir river, 7 km from Bingarra. S: 29°53.405 E: 150°37.154’
Glen Innes: Poplar Caravan Parc ($), Glen Innes South, Church St, New Englanf Hwy. S: 29°45.117’ 151°44.195’
TenterField: Bald Rock NP, site camping($) – alt: 1,104m. S: 28°50.692’ E: 152°02.698’
Hay: Mulleberrygong Rest Area, sur le Hwy Sturt, 35 km W of Hay. S: 34°30.789’ E: 145°14.543’
Wallongong: Wallongong Surf Leisure Resort ($), 201 Pioneer Rd, Fairy Meadow. S: 34°23.398’ E: 150°54.318’
Beaudesert: Caravan parc, terrain d’exposition ($) – showgrounds. S: 27°59.575’ E: 153°00.267’
O’Reily Rain Forest: Lamington NP, Green Mountains campground ($). S: 28°13.830’ E: 153°07.833’
Springbrook NP: Settlement camping ($): S: 28°11.687’ E: 153°16.319’
Brisbane: New Market Gardens Caravan Parc ($), 199 Ashgrove Ave, Ashgrove. S: 27°26.373’ E: 153°00.281’
Chinchilla: Round Water Hole rest area, (Rotary). S: 26°43.333’ E150°40.009’
Injune: Injune caravan parc ($), centre-ville, 3è avenue - downtown, 3rd Ave.. S: 25°50.691’ E: 148°34.042’
Carnarvon NP: Petite carrière, 8 km de l’emntrée du parc – Rock and sand pit, 8 km from the parc entrance. S: 25°03.430’ E: 148°17.916’
Sapphire: Sapphire Reserve, riffle range road, opposite general store, behind the pool. S: 23°27.962’ E: 147°43.170’
Sapphire: Sapphire caravan parc ($). S: 23°27.682’ E: 147°42.887’
Nebo: Parc d’exposition - showgrounds. S: 21°40.881’ E: 148°41.385’
Sarina: Sarina Palms caravan parc. S: 21°25.296’ E: 149°12.725’
Airllie Beach: Seabreeze tourist park ($) S: 20°16.586’ E: 148°42.203’
Bowen: Wangaratta at the Beach (Caravan Park – ($) S: 19°58.837’ E: 148°13.981’
Herveys range Development Road: Stockyard Creek Historic Rest Area, 6 km E of the junvtion. S: 19°30.775’ E: 145°47.403’
Undara Volcanic NP: Junction Rest area, 17 km E of Undara Junction. S: 18°08.348’ E: 144°48.700’
Inisfail: August Moon caravan park ($). S: 17°33.468’ E: 146°02.145’
Cairns: Cairns, Holiday Park ($). S: 16°54.698’ E: 145°45.423’
Port Douglas: Tropic Breeze Van Park ($) S: 16°29.276’ E: 145°27.939’
Cape Tribulation: Lync Haven Rainforest Retreat ($), on Cape Tribulation RJ. S: 16°12.205’ E: 145°24.615’
Cooktown: Orchid Travellers Park ($). S: 15°28.162’ E: 145°14.888’
Laura: petit champ, bord de la route Peninsula Dev., 3 Km au Nord de Split Rock Art Site, 9 Km au Sud de Laura – small field, side of the Dev Peninsula Rd, 3 km N of Split Rock Art Site, and 9 Km S of Laura. S: 15°37.471’ E: 144°28.923’
Coen: The Bend camp area, 3 km N de Coen. S: 13°55.468’ E: 143°11.680’
OTT- (Old Telegraph Track) – Elliot/Twin Falls, 7km + 3 km au Nord de la jonction sud du Northern Bypass Rd (sur le chemin Bomaga) - Elliot/Twin Falls, 7 km + 3, N of the southern junction of the northern bypass road (on Bomaga Road). S: 11°23.215’ E: 142°24.859’
Punsand Bay: Punsand Bay Camping Resort ($), 44 km au Nord de Bamada. S: 10°43.266’ E: 142°27.665’
Seisa: Loyalty Beach campground ($), New Mapoon, 2,5 km from the main Road. S: 10°50.097’ E: 142°22.986’
Bramwell Junction: ($) _ Début ou fin de la OTT - beginning or end of the OTT. S: 12°05.521’ E: 152°33.579’
Weipa: Weipa caravan park and camping ($). S: 12°38.314’ E: 141°51.668’
Old Laura: Petite carrière, 300 m avant (ou après) l’entrée Sud du Lakefield NP - small quarry, 300 m before (or after) the entrance of Lakefield NP. S: 15°21.656’ E: 144°26.513’
Atherton-Mareeba: Rocky creek memorial rest area, 12 km N of Atherton. S: 17°10.869’ E: 145°27.369’
Ravenshoe: Archer Creek rest area, 16 km à l’Ouest de Ravenshoe sur le Kennedy Hwy. – 16 km W of Ravenshoe on Kennedy Hwy. S: 17°38.795’ E: 145°20.838’
Croydon: Croydon caravan park ($). S: 18°12.085’ E: 142°14.756’
Normanton-Karumba: Walkers Creek rest area, 30 km au nord de Normanton, 43 km à l’est de Karumba - 30 km N of Normanton, 43 km E of Karumba. S: 17°28.240’ E: 141°10.894’
Burke & Willis: Bang Bang rest area, 90 km N of Burke” S: 18°31.603’ E: 140°39.407’
Lawn Hill (Boodjamulla NP): Adel’s Grove, 10 km de Boodfjamulla NP” S: 18°41.394’ E: 138°31.622’
Hell’s Gate: Hell’s Gate Road House camping ($). S: 17°27.290’ E: 138°21.454’
Tawallah: On Roper Road, Savannah Way2 km après l’aire de restriction venant de Borrooloola. S: 16°21.269’ E: 136°00.617’
Nathan River Road: Espace dégagé à l’intersection de la route avec celle de Maria Lagoon - Side of the road at Maria Lagoon Junction. S:15°19.232’ E:135°20.688’